<br>You can sense IR photons (as heat) if there are sufficient numbers of them. But one problem with photons in the UV-thru-X-ray range is that the photons are energetic enough to break atomic bonds. This is particularly true for UV-B and UV-C. [1] So the sensing systems for these wavelengths *are* going to decay over time and would require expensive repair or replacement. X-rays in fact are so energetic that they break the bonds in the water molecules and produce multiple free radicals which cause extensive DNA damage. This is why X-ray exposure must be limited.
<br><br>There is a problem of producing large numbers of photons with these energies. Other than the stars, supernovas, neutron star collisions, etc. there *aren't* a lot of natural processes that can generate the high energy photons. UV-lamps typically require high temperatures or high voltages and X-rays require very high voltages. One might be able to have biological systems construct "capacitors" to store charges (an electric eel comes to mind) but the voltages one usually finds in biological systems are measured in millivolts (neuron voltages are usually < 100 mv) while one is talking significantly higher voltages to start playing with significant numbers of UV & X-ray photons. This is particularly a problem in biological systems based on salt water. Salt water is a good conductor -- so its probably difficult to build up very large voltages in biological systems. (Neurons use lipid membranes to maintain charge separation but high voltages would punch through those.)
<br><br>Since there aren't any biological systems producing photons at those wavelengths it doesn't make much sense to evolve sensors for them. The exception might be reflected UV light from the sun. I believe that bees are capable of sensing UV light.
<br>The only systems I can think of where one may moving towards generating higher amounts of energy is deep sea fish that can produce their own light (presumably to attract or recognize prey). <br><br>As an aside, CCD arrays are quite good at reading UV & X-rays at certain frequencies and are used in various UV & X-ray astronomy cameras as
well as CAT scanners I believe. There are also CCD array like detectors that can detect IR but they are usually based on structures with elements like Hg+Te+Cd or Pb+Se which aren't exactly abundant in biological systems.
<br><br>Robert<br><br>1. See UV photon energy in Nanosystems Table 6.2 (pg 151) and the Bond Dissociation energies om Table 3.8 (pg 52).<br>