<div id="RTEContent">Hi everyone,<br> Does anyone know if there are any legal problems that could occur and how to avoid them? I mean the law doesn't recognize that death is a reversible process, and I think some heirs would want all the inheritance. Would the trust hold up in a court where a corpsicle hasno civil liberties because, in a legal sense, it is only a dead body? This is my first post.<br> <br>Dan Wolfson<br><br><b><i>Amara Graps <amara@amara.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article about a trust fund,<br>collected by oneself, after one is reanimated from cryonics suspension.<br><br>http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB113780314900652582-3NZCCoZBW7UHDmouEOrkzkalkfY_20060129.html?mod=blogs<br><br>A Cold Calculus Leads Cryonauts To Put Assets on Ice<br>With Bodies Frozen, They Hope to Return
Richer;<br>Dr. Thorp Is Buying Long<br>By ANTONIO REGALADO<br>Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL<br>January 21, 2006; Page A1<br><br>You can't take it with you. So Arizona resort operator David Pizer has<br>a plan to come back and get it.<br><br>Like some 1,000 other members of the "cryonics" movement, Mr. Pizer<br>has made arrangements to have his body frozen in liquid nitrogen as<br>soon as possible after he dies. In this way, Mr. Pizer, a heavy-set,<br>philosophical man who is 64 years old, hopes to be revived sometime in<br>the future when medicine has advanced far beyond where it stands<br>today.<br><br>And because Mr. Pizer doesn't wish to return a pauper, he's taken an<br>additional step: He's left his money to himself.<br><br>(see the article for the rest)<br><br>Amara<br><br>-- <br><br>********************************************************************<br>Amara Graps, PhD email: amara@amara.com<br>Computational Physics vita:
ftp://ftp.amara.com/pub/resume.txt<br>Multiplex Answers URL: http://www.amara.com/<br>********************************************************************<br>"It is intriguing to learn that the simplicity of the world depends<br>upon the temperature of the environment." ---John D. Barrow<br>_______________________________________________<br>extropy-chat mailing list<br>extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<br>http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo/extropy-chat<br></blockquote><br></div><p>
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