Do current cryonics providers have a section on their consent form that asks whether you want:<br>
a) To be uploaded as soon as the technology becomes available for it
(cryonics patients are the obvious first candidates for destructive
scan uploading, likely to be the first feasible type).<br>
b) To be kept on ice until the technology advances to the point of
allowing thawing out and biological revival (perhaps with the option of
later uploading) (which might be years to decades later).<br>
If not, is there enough difference among people signed up for cryonics
to merit such? I ask because it occurs to me that there is a split in
general between people who subscribe to the _pattern_ view of identity
(in which destructive scan uploading from a frozen state is fine) and
those who subscribe to the _thread_ view of identity (in which
historical continuity is important, so they'd rather wait for gradual
uploading to be available); if that split also exists among cryonics
patients, it might be worth making sure your position on the matter is
written down somewhere before you go into the dewar.<br>