<br>Almost any juice which has "color" probably has beneficial properties. Blueberries have one of the highest anti-oxidant ratings of any common food. Tomato juice is high in lycopene and other antioxidants. Red grapefruit juice (as in red wine) is good because it contains resveratrol which is one of the sirtuin-like compounds which activates ones built-in longevity program (the same one which is activated by caloric restriction). Grape fruit juice and some other related juices can interfere with the enzymes that breakdown drugs -- indirectly causing effective increases in the drug doses. (But this is very difficult to manage in a controlled way.)
<br><br>There isn't any really "magic" bullet (e.g. pomegranates) here. This is suggested by a simple google where the top commecial ad returned is touting them as an "antioxidant *superpower*" -- as soon as someone starts making such extreme claims one should start raising an eyebrow. It there were magic bullets those people who had discovered them would be living 200 or 300 years and we would have known about them long ago.
<br><br>It is probably wise to assume that there isn't one "universal" best solution because the benefits may vary due to individual genetic differences. Consume those things which you like, have some probable health benefits and you can afford.