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<div>I think the thing is not to get too fixated on any one formulation or ingredient.</div>
<div>The old balanced intake idea is not as useless as it might sound.</div>
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<div>For example the hops and barley in beer have had a marvellous paper published that describes the whole range of compounds available.</div>
<div>We know that picking your wine right can add resveratrol and tannins.</div>
<div>I suggested last week to use botrytis infected grapes and age in oak barrels in a slurry of oak sawdust and mix with</div>
<div>dealcoholized lager and stout beer with DQ (dairy queen soft ice cream) made with added soy isoflavone, colostrum and hulled/millled hemp seed to make</div>
<div>a nutraceutical milkshake.</div>
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<div>If you custom formulate numerous dietary itmes like this and rotate the consumption you get the designer nutraceutical</div>
<div>version of a balanced diet and it can even become your everyday same old same old diet.</div>
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<div>Then add the supplements and go fish for more exotic things.</div>
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<div> Pharmer Mo.</div>
<div>"staving off death one day at a time"</div>
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