I feel that the key issue is one of science.<br>
Does or will DNA or DNA mimetic structures remain useful<br>
for essential functions of "organisms" capable of <br>
profoundly improved and scaled up computational capacity.<br>
If Yes, then it's just a matter of evolving with the technology<br>
and AI or human, we will share a similar goal.<br>
e.g. if the knowlege intensive organism is an "ODO" like<br>
organism where integrated knowlege management<br>
might still use DNA mimetics VS a purely synthetic<br>
"terminator" like organism.<br>
I am still a faithful believer that nature models intelligently<br>
and that native structures will continue to be emulated<br>
by AI designed constructs. Or put otherwise that<br>
the part of the development curve where this is dispensed with<br>
is too far on the other side of the singularity to be integrated into current planning. <br>
Simply put it's not practical to expect a bacteria to consciously speculate about quantum physics.<br>
MFJ<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>LIFESPAN PHARMA Inc.<br>Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.<br>306-290-8734<br>Mission: To Preserve, Protect and Enhance Lifespan<br>Plant-based Natural-health Bio-product Bio-pharmaceuticals
<br><a href="http://www.angelfire.com/on4/extropian-lifespan">http://www.angelfire.com/on4/extropian-lifespan</a><br><a href="http://www.4XtraLifespans.bravehost.com">http://www.4XtraLifespans.bravehost.com</a><br><a href="mailto:megao@sasktel.net">
megao@sasktel.net</a>, <a href="mailto:arla_j@hotmail.com">arla_j@hotmail.com</a>, <a href="mailto:mfj.eav@gmail.com">mfj.eav@gmail.com</a><br><a href="mailto:extropian.pharmer@gmail.com">extropian.pharmer@gmail.com</a><br>
<br>Extreme Life-Extension ..."The most dangerous idea on earth"<br>-Leon Kass , Bioethics Advisor to George Herbert Walker Bush,<br>June 2005<br><br>Extropian Smoke Signals Waft Softly but Carry a big Schtick<br>
... Morris Johnson - June 2005*