I've been wrestling lately with the question about how one justifies ones existence [1]. From an extropic perspective it would appear to me that one has to be acting on the stage in such a way as to contribute to sustainability, survival, evolution and presumably increasing complexity of humanity. I could argue that many people who are currently "retired" do not meet this criteria.[2] Many people living in the third world do not meet this criteria. Many people with strong religious beliefs do not meet this criteria. There are some "green" folks who would. There are some research scientists, technology developers, investment managers who do.
<br><br>The allocation of resources in large part determines the rate of progress along the singularity curve and how many people will end up dying. Ultimately even a Matrioshka Brain has limits on energy and information storage resources. The energy resources are probably much more limited than the information storage resources. So one gets into a question, not of whether to kill people (erase copies), but how much "run time" to give them and when they should get to have it [4]. This relates to the rich vs. poor discussions one gets into now-a-days of who has the resources and who doesn't (relating of course to taxation, relative needs, social safety net discussions, etc.). But I do not see in any current political system, religion or philosophy a "raison d'etre" which seems to justify ones "right" to a share of the resources (and in particular justifies a greater or lesser share of said resources).
<br><br>This can be thought of in near term perspectives -- does one buy a Flex Fuel car or a Hybrid car (or does one bike to work)? Is one "religiously" strict with oneself -- i.e. the money saved by buying a 1972 inefficient highly polluting vehicle (perhaps 20-40x cheaper than a new "green" car) invested in companies producing ethanol, solar cells, better food crops, lifespan extension, etc. Or do you take that money and use it for some "frivolous" purpose?
<br><br>Will a "justification for ones existence" perspective be created and adopted by many indivuals soon or is the only hope for it well into the post robust nanotechnology period when personal survival concerns have shifted from the "hard" reality to the "soft" (virtual) reality?
<br><br>Robert<br><br>1. Ignore the whole "survival and reproduction" programming built into ones genome and mind. It is after all *just* a program and as any programmer knows programs are created to be improved upon.
<br>2. One can of course make investment payoff justifications, e.g. my father fought in WWII contributing to the survival of the "free" world as we know it and has therefore "paid" a debt to humanity that is now being repaid even if he is living an "unsustainable" lifestyle currently. I will freely admit these justifications can become quite elaborate [3] which is why I'm choosing to put them "on the shelf" for now.
<br>3. For example one might justify the "evil" of Windows by the good the Gates Foundation is and/or may yet do.<br>4. I've been reading (and cursing) the Linux virtual memory swapping and scheduling code recently -- and what I've read isn't making me happy in terms of a "best of all possible worlds" perspective.