I saw this when rummaging through the archives, and didn't see a reply,
and it's been gnawing at me as the one such paradox I don't have a
satisfactory answer for. I'm going to rephrase it in more vivid terms
that I find help make it clearer:<br>
You're sitting down one evening with a ritual to summon Satan and bind
him to your will, because you're annoyed the Playstation 3 is delayed
and you want one _this_ Christmas, dammit. Unfortunately, you miss a
bar over one variable of the binding ritual.<br>
"Muhahaha, foolish mortal!" mocks Satan. "Now you are mine to do with as I will!"<br>
"Erg... I just wanted a PS3," grumbleth you.<br>
"Too bad. Now being evil and all I'm going to do something nasty to
you, but in accordance with tradition, I will give you a logical
chance. So, here are your options:<br>
A: I turn you into a frog.<br>
B: I run off a copy of you. In case you're a threadist, I'll do it atom
by atom, neuron by neuron, symmetrically, with thread of consciousness
unbroken throughout, such that there will be two of you at the end and
neither objectively nor subjectively will it be possible to tell which
is the original and which is the copy (and in case you're a
substratist, all copies will continue to be made of carbon compounds in
water just like before, no uploading into silicon chips), so you should
equally expect to be either. Then I will let one copy go free, but
similarly multiply the other into 999. And then I will take all 999 to
hell and make them write essays on postmodernist literature! Muhahaha!<br>
Now being a reasonable devil, I'll let you think for a little while, then you have to make your choice."<br>
"Oh crap," says you. "If I get turned into a frog, I won't be able to
fulfil many of my goals. Unless I get kissed by a princess. But
princesses these days are few and far between and mostly not into any
variant of rishathra. So the probability there is much less than 50%.
Whereas if I choose option B, there's a 50% probability that I just get
to go free. So I should take B..."<br>
"But," you continue to muse, "let's look at the situation tomorrow in
that event. There will be 1 copy of me free, and 999 undergoing
horrible torture. There will be no objective fact of the matter as to
what the copying sequence was. The only objective fact will be that
0.1% of my instances will be free and 99.9% will be tortured. Therefore
I should estimate a 99.9% probability that I'll be tortured. Compared
to that, being turned into a frog doesn't sound so bad after all."<br>
I'm assuming for the sake of the thought experiment that you're Homo
economicus, only concerned about what you personally will experience,
that you don't value maximizing copies for its own sake etc; the
question is whether in case B you should estimate the probability that
you will be forced to write essays on postmodernist literature versus
being allowed to go free at 50/50 or 99.9/0.1.<br>
Now to a threadist the first line of reasoning seems correct, the
thread of consciousness splits 50/50 and after that who cares what
happens to the other thread that isn't you? So I'll understand
perfectly if threadists reply "fetchez la vache!".<br>
However, I have other reasons (which I won't bring up again here, that
argument's been beaten so far into the ground as to contribute to
landscape erosion) for disbelieving that philosophy. To us patternists,
the second line of reasoning seems correct; 1 copy of our pattern is
free and 999 copies are being tortured.<br>
But intuitively the threadist view seems correct here! There must be a
50% probability on the first copy that I'll go free. Once I'm
subjectively experiencing myself as being free, how can it then make
any difference how many copies of the tortured pattern are made? I
can't suddenly find myself yanked into Satan's classroom just because
more copies outside my light cone were made, can I?<br>
How do we reconcile intuition with the patternist view?<br>