One thing I have started to notice lately on our Comcast Cable with the Digital Box (as vs. the analog feeds for channels 2-99) is that it is taking *much* longer to change TV channels (it is easy to skip through 5 channels and have to wait 5-10 seconds for the box to catch up). The digital cable box output is also delayed N seconds (~30?) relative to the analog broadcasts (on the *same* channel over the same cable).
<br><br>Now Comcast (and presumably the other cable companies) are adding more and more internet & voice connections (there advertising in this area is very aggressive) to their existing cable base. I am beginning to wonder whether the delays observed in channel switching and/or broadcast channel presentation are in part due to them starting to hit the limits of the data capacity on the cables themselves. I also wonder if they aren't turning a necessity (the cable bandwidth limitations) into a marketing selling point (their "SpeedBoost"(?) claims where you get faster than your "paid for" bandwidth). By shoving more data to single customers in shorter periods one frees up the cable bandwidth to feed more data to other customers.
<br><br>But I have to wonder if taking on the internet & voice customers (voice particularly has to have "real time" response) is not ultimately going to result in the degradation of "normal" cable service (as seems to be the case with channel switching delays). They've got 999 channels worth of bandwidth (maybe) but they don't have 1 channel of full time bandwidth to 9999 customers [1]. There are ways to handle this (higher speed fiber to local cable distribution "hubs") but that isn't infrastructure that the CableCos typically have installed. So I'm wondering if the customer is going to get screwed in their efforts to milk the consumer of more $$$?
<br><br>If anyone really understands how cable "data" really works or has some good references on it I'd like to know about them [2].<br><br>Robert<br><br>1. I'd have to go do some research but I think the data requirements for 1 TV channel are ~= 1-5 Mbit data service (particularly if one is opting for HDTV cable on some channels).
<br><br>2. Sitting in a town using DSL surrounded by towns that have FIOS (fiber) availability. :-(<br>