<p>From <a href="http://www.wesleyjsmith.com/blog/2006/12/transhumanism-on-air.html#comments" title="Wesley Smith's blog">Wesley Smith's blog</a>: <i>I
was interviewed for an hour by Derek Gilbert yesterday on KSSZ about
transhumanism, post humanity, and genetic enhancement of our progeny.
We discuss transhumanism as religion, its obsession with control, and
its threat to human exceptionalism. If you are interested, <a href="http://media-c02m01.libsyn.com/podcasts/d77b733b431c6c121a78a3a9bc73acab/457eec1f/kssz/061211WesleyJSmith.mp3" title="check it out">check it out</a>.</i>
My comments below.
<p>Smith acknowledged that the transhumanist movement is not a fringe
movement, that it is growing fast and becoming well known, with
"influential thinkers" engaging in "serious scholarship" on
posthumanity. </p>
Then of course he criticized the "value system" of transhumanists.
Both Smith and the interviewer kept laughing frequently, like they
could not believe the words they were about to say. Quite cheap trick
if you ask me, like the style of some Fox News anchors. Needless to
say, to me the effect was the opposite, like hearing a postman laughing
at the Internet.
<p>Smith said "transhumanists scout the internet, and if you say
something about them you will end up on their website, and probably
also this radio program will be mentioned on their website at some
point". Here it is Wesley!
<p>When asked how how influential the transhumanist movement is, Smith
answered that it is definitely not fringe though not yet mainstream,
mentioned the conference at Stanford, and remarked that while
transhumanists will not influence the Bush administration, some of them
teach in prestigious universities and are in a good position to
influence the government leaders of tomorrow.
<p>Concerning "designer babies", Smith thinks parents should "accept
with unconditional love" their children. Even, apparently, when
accepting their birth defects means condemning them to a lifetime of
unhappiness. His main criticism is that transhumanist think that "being
merely human is not enough". He keeps referring to empty cliches,
impossible to defend rationally, like the "joy we get from being merely
human", and that "knowing that we are going to die is a powerful
stimulation to live full lives". Even with frequent quotations from the
WTA website, Smith keeps misunderstanding the transhumanist message,
e.g. "transhumanists never talk of improving human capacity for love".
We do talk about it of course, and a lot, but it is difficult to expain
things to those who do not wish to understand.
<p>The basic premise of transhumanism, according to Smith, is that
"being human has no intrinsic value". He believes, instead, in human
exceptionalism: humans are special, and being human has value. I agree,
but prefer defining "human" based not on our current biological makeup,
but rather on our capacity to think, feel, love, hope and improve
ourselves and our world. Smith thinks that then "everything becomes
possible" and refers to Nazi eugenics which in this context is, I
believe, just smoke in the eyes.
<p>Transhumanism, according to Smith, is a materialist religion that
"reflects obsession with control". But some minutes later he says that
he wishes to see human cloning research, even therapeutic, completely
outlawed regardless of its potential to save lives and reduce
suffering. So I wonder who is really obsessed with control. Even if
Smith's objections seem based on humanitarian and social
considerations, I still sense the old "will of god" argument against
progress (at the very beginning the interviewer refers to
"Transhumanism: the idea that we can be more than our God-given
physical limitations"). Of course Smith is too intelligent to mention
it explicitely.