It appears that in Canada N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine is a schedule F (Controlled) drug in Canada.<br>
In the USA it is a food supplement available at Wal-Mart.<br>
I have incorporated it into my anti-aging dietary practices since last summer and have been regularly importing it into Canada.<br>
On return from the last trip it was tagged as non-importable unless:<br>
It was continuation of treatment stated in the USA., under the
supervision of a USA Physician . ...90 day measured amounts must
be imported and only in Rx bottle containers.<br>
<br clear="all">OR- Alternatively it can be imported to a Canadian physician's location in 90 day allotments if approved by the<br>
and SAP (Special Access Program) request.<br>
I surrendered my bottles to customs and had my MD in Canada file an SAP request the very next day.<br>
We will hear back next week about the results.<br>
There are 2 issues in play here.<br>
1- the rights of the individual to direct their personal health management without undue state interference.<br>
2-utilization of the SAP etc places additional time and <br>
money costs on both health consumer and medical practitioners as well as consuming<br>
public funds for similar efforts by a bureaucratic agency. Money that could better be spent in an H+ manner.<br>
My doctor's time billings to medicare divert resources from other patients rationed healthcare services.<br>
Fortunately I have a 6 month supply on hand and the desire to play the game.<br>
The makes for some darwinian selection ... those willing to invest time and resources on H+ will<br>
statistically outlive those who are passively obedient to state mandated anti - H+ policies.<br>
De-regulation of H+ medicine seems to be the answer.<br>
How do the rest of you handle your access to H+ supplements and human enhancement technologies in your jurasdictions ?<br>
Morris Johnson<br>
<br>-- <br>LIFESPAN PHARMA Inc.<br>Extropian Agroforestry Ventures Inc.<br>306-290-8734<br>Mission: To Preserve, Protect and Enhance Lifespan<br>Plant-based Natural-health Bio-product Bio-pharmaceuticals<br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Extreme Life-Extension ..."The most dangerous idea on earth"
<br>-Leon Kass , Bioethics Advisor to George Herbert Walker Bush,<br>June 2005<br><br>Extropian Smoke Signals Waft Softly but Carry a big Schtick<br>... Morris Johnson - June 2005*