<br>I've watched several TV programs recently involving Chimpanzees and Bonobo Chimpanzees. There appears to be a distinct difference in a culture where the males are dominant vs. the females (but one could suppose this is tied to minor genetic variations). While the Chimpanzees exhibit violent group behavior (primarily by the males) towards non-tribe members, Bonobos apparently do not.
<br><br>If you've ever observed the typical "riots" that take place at soccer matches it would appear that the humans lean more towards the Chimp behavior than the Bonobo behavior. (This isn't confined to soccer, hockey and other sports have the problem but to a lesser extent in my mind).
<br><br>The cell phones merely enable distributed gang (tribe) activity. But people are right -- the original violence is a criminal act. Laws involving "accessories during or after the fact" or "conspiracies" ought to be able to cover the video broadcasting.
<br><br>I could easily imagine that human populations contain a mix of the Chimpanzee & Bonobo genes. Ultimately we are going to get into the question as to whether transhumans are going to have to be genetically modified to be more like the Bonobo's than the Chimpanzees in terms of their tendencies towards violence.