<font size=2>In case no one posted this already:<br><br>
</font><h2>Feature Articles "Our Biopolitical Future: Four
Scenarios" by </h2><font size=2>Richard Hayes <br><br>
"Emerging genetic technologies could radically reshape the world,
for good or ill.<br><br>
"Most of us would enjoy being healthier, smarter, more attractive,
and longer-lived. But we also know there can be too much of a good thing.
If we're overweight it makes sense to reduce, but anorexia can be lethal.
A nice haircut can make us feel good, but repeated, expensive cosmetic
surgery can bring more complications than complements. Most of us
understand this and learn to lead full and productive lives within the
natural range of diversity that comes with being human.<br><br>
"But what if that natural range of diversity no longer applied? What
if it were possible to radically enhance our looks, brains, athletic
abilities, and life span, with, say, injections of customized genes? What
if we could design our children with chromosomes purchased from a
<a href="http://www.worldwatch.org/taxonomy/term/462" eudora="autourl">
<dd><font size=2><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Natasha
</a><a href="http://www.natasha.cc/">Vita-More</a>
<dd>PhD Candidate,
<a href="http://www.planetary-collegium.net/about/">Planetary Collegium
<dd>Proactionary Principle Core Group,
<a href="http://www.extropy.org/">Extropy
</a><a href="http://www.extropy.org/">Institute</a>
<dd>Member, <a href="http://www.profuturists.com/">Association of
Professional Futurists</a>
<dd>Founder, <a href="http://www.transhumanist.biz/">Transhumanist Arts
& Culture</a>
<dd>Advisory Committee,
</font><a href="http://www.pietronigro.com/zgac/">Zero Gravity Arts
Consortium <br><br>
<dd><font face="Times New Roman, Times"><i>If you draw a circle in the
sand and study only what's inside the circle, then that is a
closed-system perspective. If you study what is inside the circle and
everything outside the circle, then that is an open system perspective. -
</i>Buckminster Fuller<br>