Computationalism implies that a stream of consciousness survives
fragmentation of the process generating the stream. If it did not, then
there would be some change in experience as a result of fragmentation.
For example, if an experience supervenes on past computational states
as well as on the present instantaneous state, then arbitrarily slicing
up the computation will change and perhaps completely disrupt the
stream of consciousness. Consider a time interval t1t2t3 in which a
simulated subject perceives a light stimulus (t1, t2, t3 are according
to the clock within the simulation). The light is shone into his eyes
at t1, and he presses a button at t3 to indicate that he has seen it.
Now, suppose that the computation is cut at t2, so that the interval
t1t2 is run several real time days before t2t3, or several days after,
or not at all. Then since the experience during t2t3 is dependent not
only on the computational activity going on in that interval, but also
on what has gone on before, perhaps by excising t1t2 from its normal
position in relation to t2t3 the subject will not perceive the
stimulus, or not perceive it in time to press the button at t3. But
that would mean the same computation (and same physical activity in the
computer generating the computation) in t2t3 would in one case result in the subject pressing the
button and in the other case not, which is absurd if computationalism is correct. Hence, the only reasonable way
to look at it is to say that consciousness supervenes on the
instantaneous computational state (or more simply, consciousness *is*
the instantaneous computational state), which makes it impossible to know from the
inside whether your computation has been fragmented.<br><br>Stathis Papaioannou