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Well anyway, human species is evoluting, and the next step will be a species completely paranormal so how people can react to that? how wil they react with a new species more powerful, more intelligent, ...?its like the relation between cro-magnon and neanderthal, mostof neanderthal were dead because they didnt acclimated with the new species of then the cro-magnon one's. And the most interesting is in the years to come electronic devices will be a great part of human bodies that's what really humanity is dealing with. now i am searching for an institute which can create people bodies and brains from DNA seperated from themselves and than copy the mind of a person with his memory on electronical device and after implementing the brain with his personal body there will be a tranfer of the data from the electronic device to the new brain, that way we avoid cloning and some accidents, etc. If a nyone does know an address of such an institute contact me on : <A href="mailto:wadihfayad@hotmail.com">wadihfayad@hotmail.com</A> or do write me on this non temporarily address: wadih fayad, 37 st-charbel street, baabda, lebanon, or phone on +9613289548 ask for wadih or vladimir<br /><hr />Appelez vos amis de PC à PC -- C'EST GRATUIT <a href='http://get.live.com/messenger/overview' target='_new'>Essayez-le maintenant !</a></body>