<DIV>First, though those at the top of the government tend to be intelligent, the middle and lower layers are staffed with too many dim-witted outdated thinkers and sinecurists. But all we can realistically do is wait for them to die off-- and unfortunately thanks to the very life extension we advocate they are living longer to reach full retirement instead of dying in office, say, of lung cancer as so many smoking bureaucrats did in the past. The solution, then? Early retirement :)<BR><BR></DIV><B><I></I></B> <DIV><B><I></I></B> </DIV> <DIV><B><I>"nvitamore@austin.rr.com" <nvitamore@austin.rr.com></I></B> wrote:</DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">I was just reading a comment by Fillon in an address before the newly<BR>elected parliment: "We must renew our political democracy, modernize our<BR>social democracy, and support our intellectual and scientific excellence." <BR><BR>Le
Français moderne? While I like modernizing institutions so that they<BR>function with up-to-date techniques and methods, I chuckled in thinking<BR>about how this might affect the core postmodernists' interesting by trying<BR>dribble.<BR><BR>Natasha<BR><BR><BR><BR>--------------------------------------------------------------------<BR>mail2web.com – Enhanced email for the mobile individual based on Microsoft®<BR>Exchange - http://link.mail2web.com/Personal/EnhancedEmail<BR><BR><BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>extropy-chat mailing list<BR>extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<BR>http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/extropy-chat<BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><p>
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