<a href="http://www.nsc.org/lrs/statinfo/odds.htm">http://www.nsc.org/lrs/statinfo/odds.htm</a><br>Please to share your insights/ innovations/ inventions/ safety tips/ morbid humour etc<br><br>The odds of accidents on the road made me think I would encourage the construction of a high speed train from our metropolis to our capital to diminish the car death rate, it also made me think of what Steve Mann said about his bicycle sensor "Every morning I decide how I will see the world that day. Sometimes I give myself eyes in the back of my head. Other days I add a sixth sense, such as the ability to feel objects at a distance. If I'm going to ride my bicycle, I'll want to feel the cars and trucks pressing against my back, even when they are a few hundred feet away" ; how come such a cool device not out there yet?
<br><br>While thinking of Steve Mann on wearable computer and health:<br><br>"Equipped with various sensors which measure heart rate (and waveform), respiration, footstep rate (and waveform), etc., the apparatus can function as a personal safety device for reducing crime, as well as a personal health monitor for improving health care by encouraging individuals to take an active role in diagnosis and body-maintenance"
<br><br>an inexpensive wearable device for the detection of noxious substances in the air would be nice , too.<br><br>