"If england won't buck up in time - and there is still time - move to
America. It's what Ayaan Hirsi Ali did with the netherlands."<br><br>Not true. Hirsi Ali was quietly asked to leave. Note that she started out as<br>a socialist, moved to another party (the right side of the political party)
<br>for career reasons, and ever since has been exploiting her unique status<br>as a credible ex-moslim. While I completely sympathize with her ideas, <br>she is moving fully career driven and told me so IN PERSON. Sure, she
<br>believes about her ideals, she is completely true, but she says "I have<br>cleaned offices. Now I do thousand dollar speeches. One would be an idiot<br>not to grasp this opportunity." <br><br>Hirsi is just a well-integrated opportunist immigrant using whatever opportunity
<br>comes her way. <br><br>Hirsi Ali agitated against a small fringe of Islam, a lunatic minority of conservative<br>nuts. Even though I am an avowed atheist, living in densely populated west of the<br>netherlands, the idea that there is any serious problem is nonsense. The only
<br>problem in the netherlands is this area is insufficient integration of the older<br>immigrants, racism in the workplace, weak politicians and politicians actively<br>exploiting the issue. <br><br>Immigrant kids growing up in the netherlands are so completely westernized that
<br>whenever they visit Turkey or Marocco on vacations the local spit on them, and<br>label them TRAITORS. <br><br>Sure Islam is a viotriolic, reactive force in international politics. However in the <br>Netherlands Islam is the liferaft of a bunch of completely backward economic losers.
<br>Second generation immigrant kids in the netherlands have a choice of three extremes:<br>spend a life in mental health care, selfmedicate on drugs or become a muslim. <br>These are completely pathetic people and they have nowhere to go. To them
<br>being a despised loser underclass in western europe is still far better than having<br>to live in the third world - a third world that wouldn't even accept them anymore<br>even if they tried. <br><br>This problem is categorically unsolvable through polemization or tighter laws. You can
<br>not terrorize immigrants back to their own country. You cannot forcibly inject integration <br>into them. You cannot un-muslimize them. Without that last bit of ideology they'd<br>desintegrate in a world they can barely understand.
<br><br>Breaking immigrants simply will not happen, and the only alternative is becoming a far <br>right dictatorship that breaks all international rules and deports "undesirables". We all <br>know what the price of that is.
<br><br>So the only solution is, for the US with tides of hispanic and oriental people flooding<br>in, or in europe, with largely ignored and low-opportunity immigrants we have (and<br>not many coming in) is integration, a slow, painful and arduous process lasting
<br>probably 2-3 generations. Live with it. Force them to learn the language. Give them a<br>chance at making a living. Put them in prison when they fuck up. Slowly you will <br>get results and by 2050 this problem will be a footnote in history.
<br><br>The rhetoric that Europe is being taken over is obviously complete nonsence. There<br>will never be a real islamic majority anywhere in Europe the next century. Islam is<br>a marginalized fringe phenomenon and will remain so, even if we ignored it.
<br><br>Preaching that Islam is taking over the world is a flimsy excuse, a smokescreen to<br>push for quite other political ideals - Ideals I like even less than Islam. <br><br><br>