<div>Olga wrote:</div>
<div>Don't forget that even these days ... there are still far too many women who<br>marry for money (whether they like to acknowledge this to themselves or<br>not). Don't get me started on this subject :).<br><br>
Harlotry has *nothing* on many bona-fide wifeys.</div>
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<div>I'm impressed and suprised that a women today would still acknowledge this fact (I used to date a woman who fiercely argued that this was no longer true). I'd be very interested to get you started on this topic! : ) The whole concept of "social currency" in mate selection totally fascinates me. I think a male with lots of resources/money can be very tempting marriage material even when the woman in her heart of hearts knows she is not in love with him. But then we could get into a discussion of what love/falling in love truly is and what causes it. I find it interesting how reaching the "falling in love" critical mass can be very similar and yet different for every person.</div>
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<div>John Grigg </div>