<div>In Arizona there is a "little person" who is a local celebrity actor but also has a day job as an engineer. His wife passed away a few years ago so maybe we should get these two together. Later, we can get them enrolled into the NASA astronaut program... I once had a beautiful co-worker from the former East Germany and she was convinced that dwarfs had smaller brains and were generally the intellectual inferiors of "full-sized" people. LOL It was hard to disagree with a woman who was so physically stunning that looking at her was like staring into the sun. But beauty does not always come with common sense and intellectual curiosity. </div>
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<div>I just don't like the idea of genetically engineered astronauts/space colonists who are designed from birth to be on the very small side. If the idea of "little person" astronauts caught on I could see genetic engineering being used to create the next generation of space explorers and colonists. And then we might develop a schism between the big people of Earth and the little folks of space. A war could break out and the little people might win and then become our cruel overlords (taunting us constantly with, "how is the weather up there?" jokes...). It all sounds like the plot to some 1950's science fiction novel (but in fairly recent SF they show extremely tall and slender humans living in space). In the sf classic, "Starship Haiku," by S.P. Somtow, the author shows a future human society where everyone has been reduced in size by genetic engineering in an effort to relieve the strain on available resources. It's a fun read (Somtow is a very talented writer). </div>
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<div>I think America and the rest of the world likes to see their astronauts being full-sized, despite the extra costs involved. But for good measure we could certainly have one or two Mars mission crew members, etc., who are little people. Mike Meyers proved in his Austin Powers films that dwarves are still very beloved in the popular culture. NASA is definitely interested in having good public relations and very lovable astronauts the public will root for during a long space mission is a great idea. </div>
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<div>Growing up in Alaska, I knew fairly well two different guys who were little people. They were smart, kind-hearted, and hard-working men who had a "can-do" attitude. I say it is time for a little person astronaut! Hey, Spike, let's start an organization! </div>
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<div>John Grigg : )</div>
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