-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Lee Corbin <A href="mailto:lcorbin@rawbw.com">lcorbin@rawbw.com</A><br>
<div id=AOLMsgPart_0_a5296e26-cca8-4335-8f6b-2155664bb049 style="FONT-SIZE: 12px; MARGIN: 0px; COLOR: #000; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff"><PRE style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt"><TT>Rafal responds to Stathis:
> Stathis wrote:
> > Charity is fickle and degrading; when
> > I'm given something I want it to be
> > because I'm entitled to it.
>Exactly!!! I myself probably just suffered a family
>reverse because I had been too generous to a .sibling.
>The poor resent the rich anyway, and generosity
>only makes it worse, at least for all too many.
I am on the fence with this. As someone who has come from less than nothing to considerably more, I have been recipient of charity and <br>
given it to others. I have always had that dirty and indebted feeling on the few occasions when someone has bailed me out of a situation<br>
when I had neither the means or ability to help myself. because of this I have had a few periods of unemployment when I refused to take<br>
state handouts. Which perversely prevented me from receiving any practical help or other free 'entitlements' because I wasn't signing on.<br>
Despite that, I have always felt that you learn nothing and only loose self respect when you take charity.<br>
Now the shoe is on the other well healed foot, I only give to those who cannot help themselves. Financially that is. Anyone is welcome to<br>
my time and what little expertise and intelligence I have.<br>
>I congratulate Stathis on seeing through to the way that
>poor people really think, despite his own favorable
>position. (As for me, for some reason I am incredibly
>grateful to people when they do me a favor because
>they have some talent I lack; I *believe* that I'd really,
>really be grateful if some old friend struck it rich and gave
>me a million dollars.)
I do think that the poor are indoctrinated into a culture of entitlement. They deeply believe that free handouts are a right and it surprises<br>
me to what lengths and hard work they will go to receive something which they perceive as free. If only they could direct some of that<br>
business savvy, logistical skill and hard work in the direction of supporting themselves. It is doubly troubling when people who do just that <br>
are ostracised by their family and peers or are the recipients of constant begging.<br>
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