<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="">07- Medicare and
Health Insurance Reform </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style=""> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="">Ok dad, we'll leave
you alone on the medicare<span style=""> </span>and health
insurance reform issue….<span style=""> </span>this is one of
your passionate areas.<span style=""> </span>"Oh my goodness
gracious me, Holy swamp of quicksand and alligators, I'm liable to loose a leg,
get mangled or be swallowed alive this time " says I.</span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 9pt;"> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">USA Medicare economics as detailed in<span style=""> </span><a href="http://www.kaiseredu.org/tutorials_index.asp">http://www.kaiseredu.org/tutorials_index.asp</a>
show medicare costs 14% of the USA federal budget and covers only 43 million of
320+ million and requires 159 billion or 3,765 per person average out of pocket
expenditures to get benefits. The highest cost<span style="">
</span>(25,000 or more per year) cost of beneficiaries (10% of those
covered)<span style=""> </span>use<span style=""> </span>69% of 2006 total budget. By 2018 medicare trust fund reserves
will be used up and as the taxpayer to beneficiary ratio drops from 4/1 to a
projected 2.4/1 for 78.6 beneficiaries in 2030.<span style=""> </span>This is predicted to drive<span style="">
</span>the very fundamentals of financing healthcare<span style=""> </span>from critical to flat-lining. </p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">In Saskatchewan Health care consumes 95% of every tax dollar
collected for 2008.<span style=""> </span>Education at 2
billion (22.7% of the 8.57 Billion dollar provincial budget) more had
better<span style=""> </span>live up to its potential to
enable the citizens to lower their short and long term health care costs to the
treasury.<span style=""> </span>University Students and
Alumni all have access through the PAWS portal to a very good database of
professional, technical and scientific scholarly journals to empower decision
making.<span style=""> </span>I would be absolutely<span style=""> </span>helpless to reliably compare<span style=""> </span>hearsay with state of the art science
without being able to read the research.<span style="">
</span>If I had one suggestion to enhance the potential of achieving a
"Saskatchewan longevity dividend" to reduce the accelerating cost<span style=""> </span>from 6 billion<span style=""> </span>to a flat-line<span style=""> </span>or
even<span style=""> </span>reduced cost it would be to
provide University of Saskatchewan PAWS portal full-text scientific journal
access to every person with a Sask Health card.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Medicare must leverage knowledge, e-education<span style=""> </span>and telemedicine in order to free up
resources of<span style=""> </span>people, equipment ,
procedures and materials to enhance wellness.<span style="">
</span>Without this a universal longevity dividend will remain publicly
unfundable , unsustainable and unavailable except for that 1% superwealthy who
can defy the world in order to take care of number one.<span style=""> </span>Self-directed preventative care in
consultation with health care professionals is where I propose health care head
so that when the crunch hits in 2025 that we<span style="">
</span>have handled it like a "Y2K" and fixed it before it hits.<span style=""> </span></p>
<p class="MsoNormal"> </p>
<span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman";">The Canadian rationing method of waiting lists and
limiting<span style=""> </span>numbers of procedures
available<span style=""> </span>is<span style=""> </span>unethical<span style=""> </span>where a
globally distributed pool of resources exceeds the number of paying customers
.<span style=""> </span>This drives<span style=""> </span>medical tourism.<span style="">
</span>According to <a href="http://www.singaporemedicine.com/">http://www.singaporemedicine.com</a><span style=""> </span>"5 myths of Medical Tourism)<span style=""> </span>415,000 customers accessed<span style=""> </span>high quality, low (20% of north American
comparable) cost,<span style=""> </span>efficient,
efficacious goods and services. The industry projects 4 billion revenue for
2012 excluding permanent luxury full-service medical ocean-cruise-liner type of
outsourced<span style=""> </span>nursing home alternatives.</span><br clear="all"><br><br>