<div dir="ltr">On this whole rather odd attitude of most humans regarding death - that in <br>a natural context it is somehow necessary I have come to conclude that humans<br>aren't a very sociable species. Try this little experiment - think of ten or so distinctly <br>
different ways for a human to become superhuman, and conclude what happens<br>next. A prime example of what would happen next is the marvel war, where normal<br>humans completely freak out over superhero mutants and try to outlaw, cure or<br>
kill em. I think this is acutely plausible.<br><br>The underlying mechanic active in the human psychology is a fear of competitors.<br>I even would go as far as state that all humans are racist - as soon as a creature would<br>
emerge that is halway possible to pose a threat select groups humans would start to<br>demonize it, and kill it as fast as possible. i think thats one evolutionary strength of<br>the homo sapiens; rally hatred against an enemy species and eradicate it for reasons<br>
of profit (and/)or fear. <br><br>the aging debate is a variant of the same. All humans have a keen instinct to keep an<br>eye on their fellow humans. I have a personal intuition this is what caused the persecution<br>of jews. As it turns out jews have been practicing an intelligence enhancing breeding<br>
mechanism for thousands of years. On IQ tests the typical jew performs clearly better,<br>largely because of a rabbinic system of selecting mates. I don't know the full details but<br>I can clearly see populations noticing this advantage and proceeding to persecute jews<br>
or trying to exterminate the competitor. <br><br>It would be fascinating to me if someone found a series of experiments that falsify this<br>whole idea. Place humans in experimental conditions where they'd have to cooperate<br>
with human and (simulated) nonhuman intelligences and see if they would sacrifice <br>personal gain when the nonhumans were subject to a racial progrom or demonization.<br><br>If this is true, we should be cautious if a small segment of population gets access to <br>
life extension methods - or any type of enhancing treatment. It might trigger dormant<br>instincts in humans outside the loop that may prove quite deadly. I would be very cautious<br>if I enjoyed singular life extension treatments - i believe me being blessed with the <br>
prospect of (only) living a fuw decades more because of a treatment or modification<br>would make me the target for homocidals. I'd trigger their inborn enemy/genocide instincts. <br><br>Is this whole idea politically incorrect? ...inherently offensive?<br>
<br>If so, why?<br><br><br><br><br></div>