<div dir="ltr">Okay, I admit I really overstated things. lol But I still do think there is probably yet another underground Stargate type project being run by the U.S. government. Perhaps they will be more rigorous in their research this time and *maybe* even see some solid results. Despite all the failure and disappointment in the past I suspect major nations will continue covertly to study this field because the possibility of a major breakthrough (however unlikely) is just too tempting to pass up. And such a venture costs a fraction of many R & D weapons programs. It is ultimately a national security matter because American leadership is very disturbed by the idea of powerful rival nations getting the jump on us in this or any other area. <br>
<br>And though unlikely it is possible that Stargate was set up to fail with the purpose of providing a smokescreen for another similar project (cue X-Files music...).<br><br>John : ) <br><br><br></div>