<div dir="ltr">My envisioned Transhumanist Presidential Administration:<br><br>President- Natasha Vita-More<br>First Gentleman- Max More<br>Vice President- Harvey Newstrom<br>Secretary of State- Bruce Klein <br>Attorney General- Greg Burch <br>
Secretary of the Treasury- Robin Hanson<br>Secretary of Defense- Mike Lorrey <br>Secretary of Transportation- Keith Henson<br>Secretary of Education- Shannon Vyff<br>Secretary of Energy- John K Clark <br>Secretary of Commerce- Lee Corbin<br>
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development- Jeff Davis <br>Secretary of Health and Human Services- Damien Broderick<br>Secretary of the Interior- Samantha Atkins <br>Secretary of Agriculture- Brent Allsop<br>Secretary of Homeland Security- Eliezer Yudkowsky<br>
Ambassador to Taxifornia- Spike<br>
Ambassador to Sweden- Michael Anissimov<br>Ambassador to Italy- Amara Graps<br>Ambassador to Australia- John Grigg : ) <br><br>Did I make the right choices? hee<br><br>John<br><br></div>