Damien Broderick asked:<br>Did I ever mention this one?<br>
Ferocious Minds: Polymathy and the new Enlightenment, by Damien Broderick (Trade paperback)<br>>>><br><br>I bought my copy several years ago from Amazon for just a few dollars because apparently a previous owner had spilled coffee all over it. But the book was still readable! I hope everyone here owns this slender tome because it really is excellent. <br>
<br>I keep on hoping someday Damien will get a chance to host a major science series akin to Cosmos. If Sagan had sexiness and turtle neck sweaters than Broderick has the Aussie accent & charm along with some cool hats (and I bet Barbara would vouch for his sexiness!).<br>
<br>John<br><br>P.S. Ironically, as I write this my roommate is watching a Harry Potter film, which along with the books are the bane of Damien's existence! ; )<br><br> <br><br><br><br><br>