Spike wrote:<br>This may not ring true for many here, but it really is this way for many.<br>
When in doubt, I recommend a visit to perhaps the sexiest church of all:<br>
LDS.<br>>>><br><br>LOL!! Is this the same LDS Church that I've been attending? hee I will say that taking part in the YSA (Young Single Adults, ages 18-30) activities/conferences/parties/dances (and there are lots of them!) has at times an almost Edwardian/Victorian sense of charged sexuality to it. Everyone is horny (if they are obeying Church rules regarding chastity) and both men and the women are on the hunt for as near the ideal husband or wife as they can find there. I definitely felt at times that I was in the middle of a modern-day version of a Jane Austin novel! Mormons are by nature natural romantics, they hold ornate marriage ceremonies in their temples that they believe will bind the couple together not only for this existance, but the afterlife to come.<br>
<br>John Grigg : )<br>