In the next decades we need additional sources of nourishment. As it is right now we only<br>use a thin layer of surface. What if we used the deep sea better? <br><br>The one reason the deep sea sucks is because it is dark. What if -<br>
<br>someone went to a stretch of deep sea a mile deep, dangled a strong cable down a mile<br>long, with strong pressure-resistant lights along the length, and whatever infrastructure to <br>attract growing plants and animals. You can also do the same with a singing mesh that <br>
is raised from the seabed every so often for maintenance or harvesting. The basic idea is<br>to introduce large amounts of bright light into the deep seabed and cultivate some sort of<br>photosynthesis there, and then harvest plants (or fish) that subsist on that flora.<br>
<br>This is already done on dry land, in greenhouses. All it takes there is heating, water and<br>energy. In the sea you would have to deal with the effects of salt, but that seems to be <br>managable since we happily eat fish. <br>
<br>We will probably have depleted the top sea levels from fishable edibles in a couple of <br>decades. When that happens near 10 billion people will need food. If we can grow that food<br>by hydroponics, assuming we figured out the energy question, we can do so both in <br>
deserts but equally well in the rich environment of deposited silt on the seabed. If we can<br>grow the plants that thrive in that rich medium, and we make sure those plants are lit, <br>we can grow fertile jungles of crop down there.<br>