On a lighter note, showing that after all muslim countries may well be less bioluddite than many christians are:<br><br><<D<span class="head">ubai scientists create first cloned camel and call her Injaz<br><span class="maintext">posted on 14/04/2009</span></span><br>
<span class="maintext">
in Dubai have created the world's first cloned camel, offering a way to
preserve special strains for racing and milk production. The female
calf, named Injaz, was born at 4.30pm on April 8 and is healthy so far.
<br>Injaz is the result of five years of work by scientists at the
Camel Reproduction Centre and the Central Veterinary Research
Laboratory (CVRL) in a project initiated by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid,
Vice President of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
<br>"This is the first time scientists have cloned a camel calf,” said
Dr Ulrich Wernery, the scientific director at CVRL. "She is a healthy
<br>The surrogate mother, which carried the embryo for a gestation period of 378 days, was also in good shape, he said.
<br>Dr Lulu Skidmore, the scientific director at the Camel Reproduction
Centre, said: "We are all very excited at the birth of Injaz as she is
the result of great skill and teamwork of everyone at the Camel
Reproduction Centre.
<br>"This significant breakthrough in our research programme gives a
means of preserving the valuable genetics of our elite racing and
milk-producing camels in the future.” <br>The project began in 2003 at CVRL, where an Indian scientist, Dr
Nisar Wani, under the supervision of Dr Ali Ridha, developed the
techniques to produce a "reconstructed embryo” – an embryo carrying the
DNA of a single donor animal. The embryo is created in the laboratory
using eggs harvested from a female.
<br>Scientists extract the DNA from the egg, replace it with the DNA
of an adult animal, and then encourage the egg to develop into an
embryo. <br>The embryo is then inserted into the uterus of a surrogate
mother, which, if the procedure is successful, will carry the embryo to
full term.
<br>In 2007 Dr Wani moved to the Camel Reproduction Centre, where he
worked with Dr Skidmore, an expert in embryo transfer, on implanting
reconstructed embryos in surrogate mothers.
<br>Injaz is the clone of a camel that was slaughtered for its meat in
2005, using DNA extracted from cells in the ovaries of that animal.
<br>The DNA was placed in an egg taken from the surrogate mother to
create a reconstructed embryo, and the embryo was then implanted in the
surrogate mother's uterus. Injaz was the only live calf from seven
induced pregnancies. <br>Dr Wernery said the low success rate was typical of cloning, since many of the impregnated animals miscarry.
<br>"This is very typical for cloning, there are many attempts but only one will survive,” he said.
<br>While Injaz was replicated from a camel chosen at random, in future
scientists will look into cloning elite racing and milk camels – an
idea supported by Sheikh Mohammed.
<br>"We just wanted to establish the method,” Dr Wernery said. "In future we can most probably clone some special animals.”
<br>Although proponents say cloning animals can help science create
new, more effective drugs for humans, the practice has been opposed on
ethical grounds.
<br>Critics say the production of a clone involves subjecting animals to painful or risky procedures.
<br>Mothers impregnated with reconstructed embryos often miscarry or give birth to abnormally large young.
<br>Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned, was diagnosed with
arthritis only five and a half years after her birth and died of a lung
disease common to older animals a year later. Scientists are now trying
to find out whether using the DNA of an older animal to create an
embryo puts clones at risk of premature ageing.
<br>Despite advances in the technique that now allow scientists to
clone horses, cats and other animals, Dr Wernery believes cloning will
remain in the domain of scientific research for a long time to come.
"It has more to do with scientific curiosity,” he said. "It is not
something for mass production.” – The National</span>>><br><br><a href="http://uaeinteract.com/docs/Dubai_scientists_create_first_cloned_camel_and_call_her_Injaz/35218.htm">http://uaeinteract.com/docs/Dubai_scientists_create_first_cloned_camel_and_call_her_Injaz/35218.htm</a><br>
<br><br>-- <br>Stefano Vaj<br><br>