<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">2009/4/21 Rafal Smigrodzki <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:rafal.smigrodzki@gmail.com">rafal.smigrodzki@gmail.com</a>></span><br><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
2009/4/21 Dagon Gmail <<a href="mailto:dagonweb@gmail.com">dagonweb@gmail.com</a>>:<br>
<div class="im">>> ### Marshall Brain has no idea. Structural unemployment of the<br>
>> able-bodied non-insane persons is a side-effect of government<br>
>> regulation, and it has nothing to do with technology.<br>
> I declare this statement ideology, almost as silly as stalinist rhetoric.<br>
> Worse it<br>
> is a dangerously naieve ideology - what you say is:<br>
<div class="im">><br>
> But - in the real world technology will have unprecedented effects. We had<br>
> mass<br>
> migrations of millions (in the US) based on cotton picking machines.<br>
</div></blockquote><div><br>Amazing, you spasm back in faith based thinking.<br>YES when millions of blacks became superfluous in the US south they had to leave or<br>face severe consequences. Many did die, but many more ended up in squallor in ghettoes<br>
and poverty. Many moved north, to find jobs and found miserable factory jobs. You need<br>only look at the state of blacks in US society now that even after a century these people<br>are still largely a loathed underclass, especially when they still live in the projects. Just <br>
a few flame wars ago on this list did I read sentiments very close to wanting these people<br>forcibly resettled, again, or worse, by armed bands of vigilantes. "Take back the city" was<br>the motto. I label this "blaming the victim". <br>
<br>But even if you can retrain the labor reserves, the question is on how fast you can retrain, <br>again a topic which you conveniently scurry away from. Do you really have the near-papal<br>faith that markets can re-integrate, without massive coercion, squallor, statism, trauma<br>
millions of people in under one or a few decade? Thats what will happen. If robotics achieve<br>take-off in competetive edge, that very day McDonalds orders a million of these machines<br>and the day after fires a million workers. Or as close to that as it can get away with. One<br>
such "simple repetitive work" industry needs to - and it then opens the store 24/7, at lower<br>overhead, cleaner, more hygenic, safer and with more predictable products. <br><br>Listen I know you probably will be safe. You will probably have a job that'll last decades<br>
before some machine starts pushing you out. But can you feel safe, or do you actually<br>*care* if you end up in a society where economic value ends up in a small minority (even<br>if you are in it...) and the majority has less economic value than it takes to lead a <br>
humane life (or ... buy basic necessities??), Are you sure your unswerving zealous faith<br>in free markets will not produce a society with abundance in one places and sprawling'<br>favella ghettoes a fewhundred meters away from that?<br>
<br>I say this will happen FASTER in free markets than in any alternative.<br> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div class="im">
</div>### But did the cotton picker cause structural unemployement? People<br>
dying of hunger? No, it didn't. A few million people had to retrain<br>
and moved to better circumstances, everybody else got to wear cheaper<br>
clothes, all self-regulating processes without any government help.<br>
Nice you give an example in support of my "dangerously naive"<br>
</blockquote><div><br> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div class="im">
</div>> And what if all available food costs money?<br>><br>### Well, how does that differ from today?<br>
</blockquote><div><br>Oh good grief that is ignorant. Billions of people are caught in this trap. <br>You have 10 dollar<br>Food for one costs 8 dollar.<br>Living for one costs 8 dollar.<br>Health care costs 6 dollar.<br>
Education to have a chance at something better costs 20 dollar. <br><br>What will you end up with? many people on top of one another in a ghetto. Eating inadequately and (ironically) becoming obese.<br>With little or no expectation of improvement. <br>
</div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<div class="im">
And nobody is willing to hire<br>
> any of the<br>
> precious labour so you cant buy food?<br>
</div>### Can you try to think your way through the scenario and describe<br>
how something like that could happen? Imagine - there is an abundance<br>
of everything (produced by robots), i.e. the food and shelter needed<br>
to keep a person alive cost an infinitesimal fraction of the resources<br>
available to the average person, and somehow nobody is willing to hire<br>
anybody to cater to their needs? How is that possible in a free<br>
</blockquote><div><br>It happens in most of the third world. The end result is millions of people living on top of each other, in miserable, <br>crowded, violent conditions. Worse, we have examples it happened in Russia, in the 1990s. People fell back from a<br>
livable existence and (through external change) lost most economic power they had and fell back to a level of<br>misery. Poeple living in the most expensive city of third world pensions and incomes. Very limited health care.<br>
As a result - massive desperation and drug abuse. <br> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
I am asking because I think you are not grasping the mechanism of<br>
allocation of resources by trade, and you are coming up with bizarre<br>
results, completely at odds with historical experience and its<br>
extrapolations. Remember, aside from the speed of change and the sheer<br>
stupendous abundance of resources, there is no difference between the<br>
robot story and the cotton picker story. Try to describe the<br>
mechanistic details of the mental model you are using to predict<br>
allocation of resources, and maybe you will be able to spot the<br>
missing link.</blockquote><div><br>I have examples of societies that do NOT cope and where many are effectively left excluded and on subsistence<br>levels. People who do not have economic power can not buy goods. As a result markets start catering to those <br>
who do. Black markets fill up the gap, and criminal organizations thrive. You assert, for some reason, that people<br>will always have oportunities. I agree - even in the worst of southamerican, african, russian, asian sprawls<br>
the poor locked in the societal lock-out are getting by with odd-jobs. But even you should notice that economic<br>traffic on consequence completely bypasses them. <br><br>Look I know I am violating your sacred beliefs by stating that baby jesus doesn't exist and never has. You will<br>
swear and protest and find arguments that the bible is in fact true. It is faith based reasoning you do, and reality<br>is remarkably at odds with your convictions. But I sure hope you wont find yourself on the receiving end of this<br>
cycle of abuse and exclusion. <br> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<div class="im"><br>
If this does not compute you are so<br>
> decadently<br>
> divorced from reality you may need therapy - in the form of having to visit<br>
> at least<br>
> several third world countries and having to live a week as a poor person in<br>
> each.<br>
</div>### Do you think that third world countries have market economies? You<br>
may be divorced from knowledge of the economy.<br>
</blockquote><div><br>Aha ! There pops up the convenient support theory construct that keeps you from realizing baby jesus of market<br>economy is a lie. Yes I insist there will be market economies everywhere where people are given half a chance,<br>
and politicians will corrupt any system if given half a chance. As opposed to you I consider criminals and <br>corruption a part of the cycle of supply and demand. There IS a demand for Yakuza. And I also consider unions<br>
and wellfare and democracy a part of the cycle of supply and demand. There IS a demand for societal insurance<br>against poverty, even if these are elected to be obligatory for all members of said society. <br><br>In a perfect world these are arranged as in a civilized country - if people are left too excluded, the percentage<br>
left out votes for socialist political parties. Wellfare levels rise. Deceny right wing politicians then do what it takes<br>to make sure the economy, education levels increase, and push back wellfare, to keep the country competetive<br>
compared to other countries. <br><br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
<div class="im">
> Big mistake. I am not a Luddite.<br>
<div class="im"><br>
When people like you<br>
> start<br>
> suffering any consequences in terms of acute misery, then we will finally<br>
> see<br>
> some change.<br>
</div>### Just like a Luddite you see machines as a source of problems (they<br>
wanted to break machines, you seem to want to ... well, actually I<br>
don't really know what you want). But increasing productivity of<br>
capital is a *solution*, not a problem, and there is nothing anybody<br>
needs to do get hysterical about. "Acute misery", yeah, sure.<br>
And why would like *me* personally to suffer acute misery (here and in<br>
the paragraph on the third world countries)? Are you holding a grudge<br>
or something?</blockquote><div><br>No I am not holding a grudge. I am convinced these machines will come. And I am convinced these machines will push<br>out people from dehumanizing, worthless jobs they shouldnt have been doing anyways. As a result people will be unemployed<br>
in quantities far greater than societies can afford. This will create a self-amplifying underclass. <br><br>In your world these people are left to fend for themself.<br><br>In my world these people organize in unions and political parties and vote to TAX the part of society that does make money<br>
and TAKE that money to spread the wealth more evenly around. Wat I would propose is create a maximum income - above'<br>which taxes are 99% - linked by constitution to a minimum income (I say about 50:1) and a basic income (about 100:1 or<br>
so). There is supply and demand for you. <br> </div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div class="im"> But my claim is that massrobotization AND A.I.<br>
> and nano will be just too much, too fast to handle. Many people will go<br>
> unemployed and really pissed off really fast.<br>
</div>### Again, you claim it will happen, but how? What is the mechanism by<br>
which robotization is supposed to cause mass sustained unemployment<br>
and poverty? No rhetoric please, just mechanisms?</blockquote><div><br>People have limited skills and ability to do meaningful work.<br>There is a limited demand for complex and highly rewarded work.<br>People are left doing simple jobs and as a consequence cannot improve themselves.<br>
Large amounts of people are doing machinelike jobs.<br>Machines become available, in the span of a decade (2015-2025) than can replace simple jobs.<br>Simple jobs are replaced by machines.<br>Pay for jobs decreases below the value of having machines do the job.<br>
People who do simple jobs can not find jobs that pay them enough to live humane existences<br>US and EU society stratifies into a "rio de janearo model" <br>Many will claim, like people always did "something like that will never happen here"<br>
Rightwing and "free market" ideologies blame the unemployed to secure their value systems.<br>Left wing and "socialist" ideologies start implementing statist, wasteful bureaucracies<br>Black markets fill the gap and large criminal syndicates develop.<br>
Society dehumanizes. We end up in a world where I do not want to live. <br><br></div></div>