<h2><<DARPA seeking Genesis-style godware capability</h2><p class="standfirst">Self-organising Tetris AIs, smart-vat superlife on cards</p>
<p class="byline">By <a href="http://forms.theregister.co.uk/mail_author/?story_url=/2009/06/23/darpa_physical_intelligence/" title="Send email to the author">Lewis Page</a> • <a href="http://search.theregister.co.uk/?author=Lewis%20Page" class="more-by-author" title="More stories on this site by Lewis Page">Get more from this author</a></p>
<p class="dateline">Posted in <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/science/">Science</a>, 23rd June 2009 11:04 GMT</p><div id="body"><p>US military wacky-professor bureau DARPA has outdone itself this
time, issuing a request for "intelligent" electronic components and
chemicals which can "self-organise" themselves to form complex items
such as routers, fuel cells, biofuel factories or medical drugs.
Indeed, reading between the lines it appears as though the American
killboffins are seeking nothing less than the creation of artificial
intelligent lifeforms.</p>
<p>The Pentagon crazytech chiefs' name for this initiative is "Physical
Intelligence", and full details were released last week. According to
DARPA, humanity at present has only a dim grasp of what intelligence
actually is and how it came into existence:</p><div id="article-mpu-container"><div style="width: auto; height: auto;" class="ad-now" id="ad-mpu1-spot"><noscript><a href="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/jump/reg.science.4159/front;tile=2;pos=top;dcove=d;sz=336x280;ord=90gmv9Rk6jgAAE16sawAAAGP?" target="_blank"><img src="http://ad.uk.doubleclick.net/ad/reg.science.4159/front;tile=2;pos=top;dcove=d;sz=336x280;ord=90gmv9Rk6jgAAE16sawAAAGP?" alt=""></a>
<blockquote>For the past 50 years, the dominant paradigm for
intelligence supposes that the brain is the seat of intelligence and is
functionally equivalent to a computer capable of executing any
algorithm... the goal of true machine intelligence remains distant...
our understanding of the evolution of life is rooted primarily in
observations of the natural world... With some exceptions, current
approaches to understanding intelligence and evolution are disconnected
and often lack grounding in fundamental physical principles.</blockquote>
<p>The idea behind "physical intelligence" seems to be to achieve a
much better, hard-science understanding of what intelligence and life
actually is and how it evolves as a matter of physics. Needless to say,
this being DARPA, this almost God-like intellectual toolkit is then to
be put to use.</p>
<blockquote>Although the idea that life is “a struggle for entropy”
(Boltzmann) has been supposed for more than a century... applications
to engineered systems are scarce. The Physical Intelligence program
aspires to change this situation... The objective is to demonstrate the
first human-engineered open thermodynamic systems that spontaneously
evolve non-trivial “intelligent” behavior...</blockquote>
<p>Specifically, bidders for DARPA Physical Intelligence cash will be
invited to design one of two things: electronic gizmos or "basic units
that might be described variously as 'gates' or 'cells' or 'neurons'",
or alternatively "an open chemical environment".</p>
<p>The electronic "units", which may initially exist only in a
simulated environment "comparable in complexity to simple video games
(eg, Tetris)" are expected to "self organise" and "evolve" into a
complex configuration, presumably one demonstrating some non-trivial
aspects of intelligence. As a starter for ten, the super Tetris-block
electronic neurocells should be able to spontaneously form into "a
continuously self-organizing router for internet traffic or similarly
complex application". One should then be able to "extract the
algorithm, and map it to a conventional computer" - effectively turning
that computer into an intelligent lifeform.</p>
<p>As for the vatful of smart-chemicals, they're expected - without
human intervention - to be able to form themselves into drugs, organic
fuel cells, solar powered biofuel supercrops or "a similarly complex
<p>It won't have escaped alert <em>Reg</em> readers that the Physical
Intelligence DARPA wonder-ware will be quite capable of becoming
intelligent life - potentially much more capable life than humanity
itself. The AI algorithms which evolve from the spontaneously
self-organising Tetris blocks might far outclass the human noggin: the
fuel-celled, solar-powered, self-medicating lifeforms which emerged
from the smartware vats would be immeasurably our superiors physically.</p>
<p>Quite frankly we can't help thinking that some more appropriate name
might have been in order here, like Project Genesis or LET LIGHT=ON or
something. It's definitely a return to full-on loopy form on DARPA's
part, anyway.</p>
<p>Full details are available <a target="_blank" href="https://www.fbo.gov/utils/view?id=eae3b7e276226b092f17fe69359f31d4">here</a> (Word doc). >><br></p>
</div><a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/23/darpa_physical_intelligence/">http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/06/23/darpa_physical_intelligence/</a><br>