A possible method for deducing the entanglement of particles:<br><br>A "neuron trap" contains an ion, with spin x and a magnetic dipole d. If the spin reverses, the dipole will reverse and cause polarization of the neuron, which could be connected in parallel to another neuron, which would be connected to a larger analysis system; if the neuron pair shows polarization from within, the ion can be either integrated into molecules for transport to the entanglement zone or chelated and moved with some endocrine stuff. I don't know whether these entanglements could be actually understood or coordinated, but I think it would be true that, perhaps through atmospheric transmission, entangled gas atoms accrue between people in close physical contact and are all stored in the entanglement bank; when the system realizes many of its atoms are changing simultaneously based on the other person's (speculation speculation speculation,) it understands it. Maybe the system is wired to think, say, in binary, and constantly "broadcasts" a sequential, morse code-like binary throughout all entangled atoms and systems, but only receivable if one has the necessary amount of entanglement, furthered by contact. Would explain familial TP and all that stuff, and sometimes random TP because of chaotic coincidences. That makes sense and could be explained to have arisen through early humans or even animals; a pattern of X would make the tribe run away. Maybe language itself is an outpouring of this mental language where the simplicity of said language could not commonly express complicated concepts. <br>
<br>The brain can do things that are much, much more complicated, like PRODUCE QUALIA AND CONSCIOUSNESS. So...this seems possible.<br>