<p align="left">Lee writes:<br /><br />> But who would care? I ought to have
many sensors throughout<br />> the Earth, not just allowing me to check
against threats,<br />> but to assist my natural curiosity about all the
real<br />> hardware employed to make manifest my virtual reality,<br />>
as well as to satiate my expanded curiosity concerning<br />> scientific
phenomena.<br />><br />> As for colors, well! No reason my emotions cannot
be<br />> linked to an incredible variety of new hues.<br />><br />>
Won't it be interesting to see yourself the actual code<br />> and chips that
produce your very real feelings and thoughts?<br />> Imagine being able to
implement into room-sized equipment<br />> those physical circuits that *are*
a particular thought<br />> or feeling in real time---and see it operate
simultaneously<br />> as you experience it!<br />><br />> I love my
fifty trillion cells very much, the way I love<br />> other vehicles I've
driven for many years, only much<br />> more so. But the sad day arrives, as
it often has,<br />> when one must say goodbye. I've yet never failed to<br
/>> shed a tear.</p><p align="center"><br /><br /><br /><strong>TRANSHUMAN
STATEMENT</strong> </p><p align="center"><font size="2">We are transhumans<br
/>Our art integrates the most eminent progression<br />of creativity and
sensibility<br />merged by discovery.</font> <br /><br />Transhumanist Arts
represent the aesthetic and creative culture of transhumanity. <br
/>Transhumanist Artists are developing new and varied modes of art. <br />Our
aesthetics and expressions are merging with science and technology in <br
/>designing increased sensory experiences. <br /><br /><font
size="2">Transhumans want to improve and extend life. <br />We are designing the
technologies to improve and extend life. <br />Emotions are integral to our
senses and understanding. <br />We are designing the technologies to enhance our
senses and understanding.</font> <br /><br />The transhumanist ecology and
freedom exercises self-awareness and self-responsibility. <br />If our art
represents who we are, then let us choose to be transhumanist <br />not only in
our bodies, but in our future existences, and in our values. <br />Transhumanist
Artists embrace the creative innovations of transhumanity. <br />We are ardent
activists in pursuing infinite transformation, overcoming death and exploring
the universe. <br /><br /><font size="2">Transhumans want to improve and extend
life. <br />We are designing the technologies to improve and extend life. <br
/>Emotions are integral to our senses and understanding. <br />We are designing
the technologies to enhance our senses and understanding.</font><br /><br />As
Transhumanist Arts come into focus <br />As more artists join our efforts<br
/>As more designs are produced<br />As more music is composed<br />As more
stories are written<br />As the tools and ideas of our art continue to evolve,
<br />So too shall we. </p><p align="left"><a
href="http://www.transhumanist.biz/">http://www.transhumanist.biz/</a><br /></p><br />