<blockquote style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;" class="gmail_quote">Simple, Eh?<br></blockquote><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
BillK<br></blockquote><div><br>Yes, very simple, and completely wrong. Corporations cannot take everyone's money. They have employees, and the only reason that anyone wants money is to, ultimately, spend it on things, like private fleets of zeppelins, or a solid gold toilet, or food, water, a new suit, a pair of boots, or an office tower named after themselves. Money is only a medium of exchange and so its acquisition, for 99.9999% of the people on the planet, is solely a means to an end (and the rest die off or give it all away, putting their Scroogey hoards back into circulation, so no problem there). Whatever money a corporation makes, it spends somewhere, eventually, feeding the entire economic system with its investment and purchases. More importantly, since corporations can only acquire their wealth through voluntary exchanges (in a free market), they are just owners of their money and all the transactions in which they acquired that money were made to mutual benefit to both corporation and consumer (people purchase goods of various kinds, called such because they wanted them more then the money they spent, otherwise they wouldn't have spent it). So the profit of corporations is good for everyone, as it marks successful transactions to mutual benefit between consumers and producers, and also is an avenue for new growth and the satisfaction of more desires in the future via investment.<br>
<br>Government action is an entirely different beast. All the taxes and regulations are only meaningful to the extent that they interfere with what would have been free exchanges to maximum mutual benefit (as each party is acting because it's the best thing he can do at the time). So any action by the government necessarily makes people worse off than they were before (actions above and beyond defense of property rights and personal sovereignty that is). When government gets involved and starts taxing and spending, things get thrown all out of whack, and you get problems where some are getting rich without having done anything to the benefit of anyone else, while others are being driven to the poorhouse for no reason other than not being on the good side of some bureaucrat or elected official. Government shouldn't intervene whatsoever in the free market, thereby eliminating favoritism and benefiting everyone, in the long run, by putting society back on the side of justice rather than whim and force.<br>
<br>I hate stealing from the poor to give to the rich equally as much as I hate stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Don't people realize that whichever way they go, they are still advocating stealing? What's up with that? I say let's advocate, you know, not stealing, and punishing of thieves. That seems like a far more rational option.<br>
</div></div>Joshua Job<br><a href="mailto:nanite1018@gmail.com">nanite1018@gmail.com</a><br>