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What bugs me most about mailing lists about transhumanism is that so
most of the time is spent either ranting about either Big Government or
Libertarian Selfishness.<br>
Do I want a small efficient government that keeps out of our personal
business? Yes. Do I think it can work. Sure, if people play by the
rules. <i>Do</i> they? Nope.<br>
Do I want a government which devotes resources to out well-being?
Yes. Do I think it can work. Sure, if people play by the rules. <i>Do</i>
they? Nope.<br>
Can we please, <i>please</i> focus on solving problems related to
transhumanism? Making sure it actually <i>happens</i>. Making sure
it doesn't go wrong. Even better if can I get replies that <b>don't</b>
boil down to:<br>
"Oh, but we <i>are</i>. You see, Big Government etc."<br>
"Oh, but we <i>are</i>. You see, Libertarian Selfishness etc."<br>