On 21 June 2010 00:25, Damien Broderick <<a href="mailto:thespike@satx.rr.com">thespike@satx.rr.com</a>> wrote:<br>> A remarkable list, but fairly useless in the context of discussing >H *as a<br>> formal philosophy*.<br>
><br>> E.g., McKibben acknowledges transhumanist thinkers, but as you note he's one<br>> of the violently hostile commentators. Egan's novels display some versions<br>> of *post*humans (as do those of Sterling, Gibson, Stross, Kelly, Di<br>
> Philippo, Banks, me and other fiction scribblers), but don't really<br>> constitute a philosophic tradition. I see only a couple of titles in there<br>> that might almost be the equivalent of David Kelley's, Tara Smith's and<br>
> Chris Sciabara's books on Rand's Objectivism (although the non-English ones<br>> on >H might be packed with powerful goodness).<br><br>In fact, Objectivism may or may not be a good analogy, or not. Not really, because it had an undisputed, single, founder and master (mistress?), fixing orthodoxy. Yes to a point because it has to be inferred from a handful of novels, as in the case of transhumanism we have to take it out of a number of works either tangential to the subject, or owed to precursors, or again dealing with some technoscientific revolution or other.<br>
<br>But what you mention for objectivisms are just kind of cribs and dummies guides, if I am not mistaken. Those should be rather easy to produce, but one probably finds more interesting stuff in the book of Stock, Naam, Hughes, Kurzweil, Young, Ettinger, Garreau, Moravec, or for that matter Rifkin, Fukuyama or Kass. More on the philosophical side one also finds Pearson's <a style="" href="http://www.amazon.com/Viroid-Life-Perspectives-Nietzsche-Transhuman/dp/0415154359/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277114171&sr=1-1">Viroid
Life: Perspectives on Nietzsche and the Transhuman Condition</a>, or Julie Clark's <a href="http://www.amazon.com/Paradox-Posthuman-Science-Fiction-Techno-Horror/dp/3639143795/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1277114024&sr=1-1">The
Paradox of the Posthuman</a>, and much more in Italian or French.<br><br>-- <br>Stefano Vaj<br><br>