On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:27 AM, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:<br>> Surely some of the 41% are only pretending to be crazy, or there's<br>> some sampling error, or something. Otherwise, two out of five people<br>> you bump into really believe Jesus is going to return, and that figure<br>
> just seems incredible.<br>><br>><br><br>No, the figure is little changed since the previous survey in 1999 when 44% believed Jesus would return. But it depends what circles you move in.<br><br>College graduates are 19%, but.......<br>
at almost 60% are white Protestant evangelicals and those with only High School or less education (not necessarily the same people). If you want to extrapolate from the 1546 people in the phone survey (land-line and cell phone), then you should make sure that the percentage of those groups in the survey reflect the percentage in the total population. Which presumably Pew have done, as they claim to be polling experts.<br>
<br><<a href="http://people-press.org/reports/images/625-20.gif" target="_blank">http://people-press.org/reports/images/625-20.gif</a>><br><br><<a href="http://people-press.org/report/625/">http://people-press.org/report/625/</a>><br>