Hi Folks,<br><br>Here's another one. Here's some research that indicates that chlorin e6 eye drops improves night vision.<br><br><a href="http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/cb/Volume/2007/7/Chlorophylls_help_eyes.asp" target="_blank">http://www.rsc.org/Publishing/Journals/cb/Volume/2007/7/Chlorophylls_help_eyes.asp</a><br>
<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"> ...the scientists gave mice a chlorophyll derivative, chlorin e<sub>6</sub>,
to see if their red vision was improved. Using a technique called
electroretinography, which measures retinal cell responses to a flash of
light, the researchers found that the treated mice showed almost double
the response to red light when compared to non-treated mice. The group
also showed that the chlorin e<sub>6</sub> was localised in the retina
and conclude that the increased visual sensitivity is a result of light
absorption by the chlorophyll derivative.<p>Washington is
currently performing similar research in people. It is possible that
taking a chlorophyll derivative supplement could improve night vision,
he said.</p></div><p>Cheers!<br></p>