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Hey, I'm about to leave for a dance party (I don't get out much)! I'm<BR>> wondering about the ratio of virtous vrs. un-virtuous women who will<BR>> be there...<BR>
If you find too many virtous ones, you can always tell them that Aristotle claimed that over-regulating desire through excessive virtue was a character flaw. Not sure if that'll get you anywhere but an odd look or a slap. Last resort maybe. Have fun.<BR>
<DIV align=center><B><FONT style="FONT-SIZE: 16pt" size=4><FONT color=#ff0000 face="Comic Sans MS"><SPAN id=btAsinTitle>Per Ardua Ad Astra</SPAN></FONT></FONT></B></DIV>
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<BR>> Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2010 19:04:19 -0700<BR>> From: possiblepaths2050@gmail.com<BR>> To: extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<BR>> Subject: Re: [ExI] atheists de-baptize unbelievers:<BR>> <BR>> Damien wrote:<BR>> Proxy de-baptizing is not meant as a means of denying anyone anything<BR>> real, including immortality once science perfects it. It instead helps<BR>> detach the virtuous from mind-warping foolishness and exploitation,<BR>> should the person *choose* to accept it.<BR>> >><BR>> <BR>> Okay, Damien, you made your point as a card-carrying atheist who<BR>> chases me around with a sharpened Occam's razor! lol But the virtous<BR>> can come in many forms and from a multitude of groups.<BR>> <BR>> Hey, I'm about to leave for a dance party (I don't get out much)! I'm<BR>> wondering about the ratio of virtous vrs. un-virtuous women who will<BR>> be there...<BR>> <BR>> John : )<BR>> <BR>> <BR>> On 7/17/10, Damien Broderick <thespike@satx.rr.com> wrote:<BR>> > On 7/17/2010 7:46 PM, John Grigg wrote:<BR>> ><BR>> >> The Mormon proxy baptisms are not meant as a means of granting anyone<BR>> >> immortality. It instead gives membership into God's church and<BR>> >> kingdom, should the person on the other side*choose* to accept it.<BR>> ><BR>> > Proxy de-baptizing is not meant as a means of denying anyone anything<BR>> > real, including immortality once science perfects it. It instead helps<BR>> > detach the virtuous from mind-warping foolishness and exploitation,<BR>> > should the person *choose* to accept it.<BR>> ><BR>> > Damien Broderick<BR>> > _______________________________________________<BR>> > extropy-chat mailing list<BR>> > extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<BR>> > http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/extropy-chat<BR>> ><BR>> _______________________________________________<BR>> extropy-chat mailing list<BR>> extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<BR>> http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/extropy-chat<BR>
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