<p>I can't believe you are putting the field of "art" in the
same email message as the paint and number crafts of "Michael's".
That in and of itself ought to cause a tsunami singularity! Now I have to go
wash my mouth out with soap and sterilize my typing
fingers.</p><p>N</p><p><p>Quoting spike <spike66@att.net>:<br /><br />>
...On Behalf Of Adrian Tymes<br />> Subject: Re: [ExI] san jose tech
museum's take on the singularity<br />><br />> On Mon, Sep 27,
2010 at 9:08 AM, Natasha Vita-More<br />> <natasha@natasha.cc>
wrote:<br />><br />> >>...What a great idea. (Thanks
for thinking of me Amara.)<br />> Natasha<br />> ...<br />><br />>
>...Going in through the "front door" - info@thetech.org
or<br />> 408-294-8324 -<br />> should work, if you identify
yourself as having an exhibit and a<br />> funding source...<br />>
The money is likely to be a key thing. The Tech, like many similar<br />>
organizations right now,<br />> is strapped for cash... Adrian<br
/>><br />><br />> I would propose something very modest: merely a one
for one replacement for<br />> that one panel I posted yesterday, that photo
which has the text<br />><br />> Breaking the Law<br />><br />>
Progress has limits; electricity can't go<br />> faster than the speed of
light, for example.<br />> Moore predicts that digital innovations<br />>
will soon slow. Others, however, foresee a<br />> singularity, when rapid
technological shifts<br />> make the world unpredictable.<br />><br />>
If we were to come up with a replacement panel with approximately that<br />>
amount of text, and actually make the panel, print it, laminate it, mount it<br
/>> on styrofoam, stick velcro on it and hand it to them as a one for one<br
/>> replacement, that would be a first step, ja? I would be willing to
approach<br />> them with the replacement panel if we were to agree on the
verbiage.<br />><br />> The local Michael's Art Supply does that kind of
work, and I have had work<br />> done satisfactorily there before (mounted a
periodic chart and a portrait of<br />> Richard Feynman as wall decorations
for my home, in case there was ever any<br />> doubt this is a geek's den.)
Something this size (B size) wouldn't cost<br />> much, fifty-ish bucks
perhaps. I am an out-of-work rocket scientist, so I<br />> don't want to
spend money.<br />><br />> The Tech has the panel with a three word title
and thirty five words of<br />> text. How do we explain the singularity to
the non-geek proletariat in<br />> about 35 words? Picture?
Countersuggestion?<br />><br />> spike<br />><br />><br />><br
/>> _______________________________________________<br />> extropy-chat
mailing list<br />> extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org<br />> <a
/>><br /></p></p><br />