Halycon Molecular interview<br><a href="http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/12/interview-of-gene-sequencing-expert.html">http://nextbigfuture.com/2010/12/interview-of-gene-sequencing-expert.html</a><br clear="all"><br>"""<br>
Here is the William Andregg interview by Sander Olson. Mr. Andregg is the CEO and founder of <a href="http://halcyonmolecular.com/updates/" target="blank">Halcyon Molecular</a>.
Along with his brother, Michael, William invented the core polymer
placement technology which allows rapid and inexpensive sequencing of
DNA. Mr. Andregg is confident that by 2015 complete human genomes will
be sequenced for only $1,000. He believes that DNA sequencing will
eventually become sufficiently sophisticated, automated, and
inexpensive that scientists will be able to sequence every tree in a
forest, and may lead to advanced nanotechnology.<br>
In a recent episode of TechCrunch TV’s “Speaking Of..”, Halcyon
Molecular CEO William Andregg spoke about his dream to extend human
lifespans long enough to travel to other star systems. William explains
how his early focus on astronomy and physics eventually gave way to
intense study of biology for that reason. In the video, he says how he
is fascinated by long-living creatures like the Galápagos tortoise and
bowhead whale, and expresses optimism about how advanced biotechnology
could determine their longevity-relevant molecular differences and use
that knowledge to develop life-extension therapies for humans. <br>
<b>Question</b>: How much does it currently cost to sequence ones genome?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Depends on what you mean by “sequence ones genome”. If
you want a truly complete sequence, you can’t get that now. You could
spend millions of dollars and you still wouldn’t have even a single
truly complete human genome. There are much cheaper options to get
something far less accurate and useful- getting down to about $10,000
currently. But we’re hoping that in five years when people talk about
“sequencing ones genome”, they really mean it- really sequencing the
whole thing, not just seeing part of it.<br><br>
<b>Question</b>: How much of the entire human genome have we currently sequenced?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: The most comprehensive reference assembly for the human
genome still contains hundreds of gaps as of 2010, with millions and
millions of missing bases. <br>
<b>Question</b>: Current gene sequencing techniques employ short reads. What is the limitation with this approach?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Think of jigsaw puzzles. If a jigsaw puzzle has just a
few big pieces like the ones they make for three year olds, it’s
trivial to solve. But if it has tens of thousands of pieces like some
expert-level jigsaw puzzles do, then it’s going to be a huge pain.
That’s current sequencing technology. Short reads are the tiny jigsaw
puzzle pieces. We want to solve the puzzle of the genome using the
biggest pieces possible.<br>
<b>Question</b>: So does that also help make the sequencing faster as well?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Yes, it makes putting the whole genome together less
computationally intensive and thereby faster. It also improves the
overall accuracy because with longer reads you can be more confident in
the ordering of repetitive regions. <br>
<b>Question</b>: You claim that DNA sequencing has the potential to
"turn medicine into an information science". What exactly do you mean
by that?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Taking the guesswork out of it, making it a precise,
predictive science and less an art. In ten years you’ll have orders of
magnitude more information about your own body and biology, and the
sequencing revolution will be a big part of that. Biomedical
researchers will also have orders of magnitude more information in
general about how life works, and how health turns to illness. <br>
<b>Question</b>: How do your views on longevity and life extension compare with those of Aubrey de Grey and Ray Kurzweil?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Parts of SENS urgently should be funded and tested. That
being said, I work on sequencing and not on SENS, because our approach
to curing aging is first to turn biology into an information science-
actually getting to untangling the morass of metabolism that SENS does
an end run around. I believe we can get to a complete mechanistic
understanding of human biology in only a few decades, which is a
timeline more like Kurzweil’s. On the other hand, if SENS were being
vigorously pursued today, it might save millions of lives before the
total understanding approach avails us. It is good to have multiple
As for Kurzweil, maybe this isn’t fair, and I’d like to hear his
thoughts on it, but I’m afraid his books demotivate people who would
otherwise contribute to the cause, maybe by giving the impression to
some that the Singularity is not only coming, but actually inevitable.
Eat right, exercise, take these pills, and don’t worry- those smart
hardworking scientists over there will solve everything for you. In
contrast, a great thing about Aubrey as a leader is that he harangues
people to actually get off their asses and make a contribution. <br>
We might not survive the next twenty years. We may never cure aging.
There is nothing inevitable about our success. Everyone who is talented
enough to make a contribution should be trying to help, on all fronts,
by any ethical means, like it’s life and death- because it is. <br>
And the very most talented ones should send their resumes immediately to Halcyon.<br>
<b>Question</b>: How will high-throughput DNA sequencing directly benefit longevity research?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: We’ll sequence the genomes of every centenarian and
every supercentenarian, and find out which genes directly relate to
longevity and to early morbidity and mortality. We’ll sequence
long-lived organisms, like the Galapagos tortoise, the bowhead whale,
the bristlecone pine. We’ll sequence all species of Rockfish, a whole
genus where there’s almost an order of magnitude difference in maximum
lifespans between evolutionary close cousins. And all of that just
scrapes the iceberg- that’s not even the imaginative or ambitious
answer. <br>
The grand design is to read, write, program DNA. The better and faster
and cheaper you do that, the sooner we’ll hack biology and be free from
disease. Billions of individual human genomes, and billions of genomes
of domesticated animals, is only the beginning. The amount of genomic
information on this planet that might help us hack biology is orders of
magnitude vaster than that. You have quadrillions of unique genomes in
your body, counting the metagenome of all your individual genomically
different cells and the metagenome of all the stuff living in and on
you. Someone will probably want to sequence every tree in a forest, or
every leaf on a tree, or every bacterium in a speck of seawater.
Someone will definitely sequence every ear of corn in a cornfield.
We’ll probably sequence all the charismatic megafauna we can find on
the planet, and all the trillions of less glamorous animals as well.
But even that is only the beginning. People will do forward genetics
studies where they sequence trillions of individual cells or model
organisms. And there may be just as much or more sequencing of
artificial genomes or genetic constructs in the course of solving
synthetic biology- the writing and programming part of the grand
design. Tangentially, synthetic biology might be the least insanely
difficult way to robust nanotechnology, making anything you want from
spoons to space elevators, just like your cells build things with
atomic precision all the time, using a billion year old programming
language that we aim to completely understand. And so sequencing might
turn out to be upstream of a lot more than merely freeing humanity from
all disease. <br>
<b>Question</b>: Is Halcyon Molecular expanding? Are there any plans for an IPO?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Expanding carefully, with an extremely high bar. We only
want the best of the best, of the best of the best of the best-
iterating that to somewhere way above the 99th percentile. And the team
we’ve built so far is like that, just unbelievably good. I think the
level of talent in the Halcyon project might be every bit as elite as
it was in the teams that worked on the Manhattan or Apollo projects.
And given what we’re trying to do, that’s exactly how it should be.<br>
As for the IPO question, if doing an IPO is consistent with the
mission, we’ll do it. Halcyon is a mission with a company, not the
other way around. Right now only people who care first and foremost
about the mission have significant stock in the company. We’d have to
think long and hard about letting that change.<br>
<b>Question</b>: Who is funding Halcyon?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Founders Fund, and several
angels. We’ve also won about three million dollars in grants from NIH
and other government agencies.<br>
<b>Question</b>: How long will it take before sequencing the human genome falls to $1,000? <br>
<b>Answer</b>: Well, right now it has infinity to fall from, because
you can’t buy a complete human genome yet at any price. But as soon as
that’s available- I think 2012 is a good guess- then we’ll see a
thousand dollar complete genome in 2013.<br>
<b>Question</b>: How much progress in this field can be expected by 2020?<br>
<b>Answer</b>: Probably depends on how many of your most brilliant
readers send me their CV’s today. Individual choices are what really
matter to the arc of history.<br>"""<br><br>- Bryan<br><a href="http://heybryan.org/">http://heybryan.org/</a><br>1 512 203 0507<br>