Decoding the Human Brain, With Help From a Fly<br>
<div class="gmail_quote"><div><b><br></b><font size="3">Taiwanese researchers have managed
to bar code some 16,000 of the 100,000 neurons in a fruit fly’s brain and
to reconstruct the brain’s wiring map. <br><br>
In terms similar to those that define computers, the team describes the
general architecture of the fly’s brain as composed of 41 local
processing units, 58 tracts that link the units to other parts of the
brain, and six hubs. <br><br>
Biologists see this atlas of the fly brain as a first step toward
understanding the human brain. Six of the chemicals that transmit
messages between neurons are the same in both species. And the general
structure two hemispheres with copious cross-links is also similar.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<br><br>This certainly has implications for doing the same with human brains.<br><br>Keith<br></font></div></div>