<div>Jeff wrote</div>
<div> </div>
<div>>> Anyway, you're the one person on the list, now that Eliezer, Bradbury,<br>>> and others have moved on, that I consider smarter than me, so make<br>>> your case.<br>>><br>>></div>
<div> </div>
<div>Bill wrote:</div>
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<div><br>> That's done it! Now you've upset everyone on the list except Eugen. ;)</div>
<div> </div>
<div>I was assuming it was a bit tongue-in-cheek, but even it if hadn't been, I wouldna been bothered. I read recently that Nathan Leopold had an I.Q. of 210 and Voltaire of 190. One wrote Candide, the other got life-time imprisonment for reading Neitzche too literally. It ain't all in what you're dealt. Sometimes it comes down to how well you play.</div>
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<div>A side of seren dip: Prior to cracking this thread I came across this quote in a Johnathon Kellerman thriller this afternoon:</div>
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<div>"People who think or talk alot about being smart rarely accomplish anything." ;)<----- (wink-and-smile alert)</div>
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<div class="gmail_quote">On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Jeff Davis <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:jrd1415@gmail.com">jrd1415@gmail.com</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote style="BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; PADDING-LEFT: 1ex" class="gmail_quote">
<div class="im">On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 5:17 PM, BillK <<a href="mailto:pharos@gmail.com">pharos@gmail.com</a>> wrote:<br>> On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:<br>> <snip><br>><br>><br>
> That's done it! Now you've upset everyone on the list except Eugen. ;)<br><br></div>Oh my! Did I forget the smiley? Wink, wink.<br><br>Also, take note of the phrasing, I left room for everyone else to<br>
imagine that they might be just as smart as I am. Work it.<br>
<div class="im"><br>>><br>> Personally, what I find is that people are smart at different things.<br><br></div>Agreed.<br>
<div class="im"><br>> And some smart people are really dumb when they venture outside their field of expertise.<br><br></div>"Yes", he said, agreeing and feigning modesty, but poorly.<br>
<div class="im"><br>><br>> If you are not an expert yourself it sometimes takes a while to learn<br>> when somebody really knows their subject or when they are just<br>> bullshitting (to use a phrase I heard somewhere).<br>
<br></div>Ahhhh, yes indeed! I envy those who learn that skill early in life.<br>Best, Jeff Davis<br><br> "We are every one an "idiot and moron"<br> compared to what we seek to become."<br> Samantha Atkins<br>
<div class="h5"><br>_______________________________________________<br>extropy-chat mailing list<br><a href="mailto:extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org">extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org</a><br><a href="http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/extropy-chat" target="_blank">http://lists.extropy.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/extropy-chat</a><br>
</div></div></blockquote></div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br><font face="'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><i>"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."<br>
<div><font face="Georgia, Utopia, 'Palatino Linotype', Palatino, serif"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT: 26px"><span style="LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-FAMILY: 'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)"><span style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; FONT-STYLE: italic; MARGIN: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><span style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(0,0,0)"><br>