<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>From: <b class="gmail_sendername">Eric Hunting</b> <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:erichunting@gmail.com">erichunting@gmail.com</a>></span><br>
Date: Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:42 PM<br>Subject: [luf-team] Re: maybe im crazy, but why is most of these projects not working?<br>To: <a href="mailto:luf-team@yahoogroups.com">luf-team@yahoogroups.com</a><br><br><br>I can only speculate on causes of stagnation with other groups like the Seasteading Institute (though I have my suspicions. Objectivists don't play well with others...) but I don't think there's much mystery to our own slow pace of progress and I would expect others to be facing many of the same issues.<br>
Money is the perennial problem but it's more symptom than cause. The availability of money is a reflection of the size, trust, and commitment of the community of TMP supporters and those things are all quite low and have been for a while. The reasons for that are many but the core issue is plain; membership. There simply aren't enough people here and who otherwise know about TMP given the very small margin of capable people in the general population. Communication is critical to increasing membership. We need public attention. But I can't cultivate that from just web sites with a lot of words when we now live in a reading-averse culture. The original TMP book was our chief generator of membership for most of our history and worked remarkable well. It's draw was far above the average for space futurist books, putting it up there with Gerard O'Neill's "The High Frontier", Robert Zubrin's "Entering Space", and Wernher von Braun's "Man Will Conquer Space Soon!" But it couldn't reach and continually sustain a big enough audience by itself. Now the book is out of print with nothing to effectively replace it. THAT is the root cause of our group's current ennui.<br>
Bottom-line; we MUST increase membership and to do that we MUST create new and copious media to communicate our vision. For that to have broad appeal that media needs to be visually oriented and have high production value. People will read novels. They won't read anything more sophisticated and 'dry' without the lubrication of a lot of visual media. That's why the near-term objective of TMP2 is a very visual book compared to the original TMP and long term I plan for many kinds of media deriving from that. This is a work in progress. It's happening. Though my pace of work on the TMP2 site has slowed this past year, its foundation text is approaching completion. But the critical thing is elaborating on that visually. We need art -illustration especially- and a hell of a lot of it. We have to communicate the TMP narrative through many media forms -cultivate a meme from it. And we also need physical projects and events that visually demonstrate activity and give people something to participate in even if it's not absolutely relevant to building rockets. It's still an important part of holding people's attentions. I understand many people have a hard time comprehending how this relates to actually building things and getting to space, but you have to understand that we need a very large body of supporters to find the modest number of Heinleinesque 'competent people' among them and to impress upon people who might support -with capital- our efforts that there is something here that matters, economically, culturally, and historically. We are out to build the biggest space program ever. That's not a back-yard project. And that means we have to sell the world our story.<br>
Even in the 1950s, amidst of a post-war wave of American cultural optimism about the future, Wernher von Braun understood that in order to get his vision of a civilian space program across to the society he needed more than papers, talks at engineering conferences and dry technical books. He needed to cultivate a very awesome story about the future and present that story, visually, tangibly, to the whole world. That's why he teamed up with artists and designers, went to mainstream magazines like Collier's, and ultimately teamed up with Walt Disney. Disney understood the potential entertainment value in narratives about the future. And no matter what you think space is about, space advocacy is ultimately show-biz because if you want people to support what you want to do, you have to show them what you intend to do in a way that holds their attention and motivates their support and participation. You've got to be down with your Robert Preston schtick. Thus a plethora of media and even the theme park attractions of Tomorrowland all worked together to turn this idea of a civilian space program, this narrative about our future in space, into a mass cultural meme and a societal aspiration. And that's why we today have NASA and not a US Space Force as an extension of the Air Force, which von Braun understood would never get us past Earth orbit. (there is no strategic military value to space exploration and settlement) If you want to understand why space has lost its cultural relevance today and why most nations' space programs are on the rocks, just go take a look at Tomorrowland. It's now 'retrofuturist' Tomorrowland. The theme there is no longer the future but the past notions of the future we now, in our current mass cultural dystopianism, consider quaint, funny, and nostalgic. In the Tokyo and Paris Disneyworlds, Tomorrowland has actually gone Steampunk! I often say that the Haunted Mansion is now more about the actual future than Tomorrowland. (if you've read Cory Doctorow's Down And Out in the Magic Kingdom, you know what that means)<br>
Some here have mentioned the recent apparent 'success' of the Zeitgeist movement and the related Venus Project. I think there are some important lessons for us in their story. But I'd hazard to call it a success because, in fact, while they have been very successful at gathering attention, they've so far failed quite miserably at doing anything constructive with it. The name Zeitgeist is very apt because that's the key thing in their story. For something around 50 years -yes, 50 years- Jacque Fresco has been cultivating one of the largest bodies of futurist media work ever created, all produced almost entirely by himself. And the production value of this one man's labor is incredible. Though some of his design has become stylistically anachronistic, there is no question of this man's genius. I am so envious of his talent, skill, and energy. The things we could have done with that in the FMF/LUF! And all of this has been done to try and communicate and sell one idea; the great rewards of adopting a Post-Industrial culture based on a sustainable scientifically managed resource based economic system. It's basically the same cultural model Marshal Savage described in TMP as the basis of creating a spacefaring civilization. The same idea for recovering and repurposing the vast amount of social productivity that we squander today on other people's profit and an endless cycle of war and social/racial oppression. Savage just couldn't get into it to the same depth -how much can you pack into one book?<br>
But in those 50 years, after the production of a book, countless designs, works of art, and models, numerous media interviews, and a whole series of very nice documentary videos, the only physical accomplishment of The Venus Project is the construction of Fresco's own futuristic home/studio compound in Venus Florida -and they nearly lost that as it went up for sale a few years ago. (folks here may remember I was actually toying with the notion of buying it to use as the LUF HQ because I feared what the knuckle-headed developers in Florida will do with such lovely architecture and because we desperately need the same kind of studio and workshop facilities) What went wrong? Well, the key problem is that the Venus Project narrative is critically incomplete. Fresco is a designer and thinks like one. He does the 'visioneering'. The messy details of implementation is someone else's department -and that someone else never materialized. He believed that if he could just paint a sufficiently compelling picture of the future it would make everyone realize the abject squalor of contemporary life and demand a revolution. But pictures of lovely architecture and sexy cars, planes, and boats don't tell you how to get from A to B. The Venus Project is like a beautiful matt painting of a wonderful city propped-up on the horizon but with no obvious path going there. It's a Greek temple on a golf course model of the future. And so the public never got it. (do you remember when I once suggested here that every settlement in TMP should plan to include a Greek themed miniature golf course?)<br>
What has now brought The Venus Project back from the brink of oblivion is Peter Joseph; the man who made the Zeitgeist films. Whatever you might think about the content of these films, you have to respect his talent and their ability to draw attention. (personally, I think the first films were a bit dumb. The latest should have been the first one, because it finally gets to the heart of the concept of a mass social pathology as Fresco has always characterized the contemporary situation and clearly defines what a resource based economy is) The reason these films have been so much more effective than the 50 years of work done by Fresco is that they clued into the actual contemporary zeitgeist. All his life, Fresco has been swimming upstream against a current of middle-class complacency and Cold War propaganda inspired paranoia about alternative cultural models. It's hard to get people to realize they live in abject squalor when everything else around them keeps reinforcing the delusion that they live in the best of all possible worlds and anyone who suggests otherwise is trying to take it away. One aspect of Post-Industrial cultural theory Fresco missed was that the modern middle-class -particularly in the US- was very deliberately cultivated as a stop-gap measure against the tide of cultural revolution that began to rise in the wake of the Great Depression. A big middle-class was, quite literally, created to keep the working and underclasses down. The middle-class is the foreman class -which is why cops always identify themselves as middle-class. (could they be cops otherwise?) I often joke that America positioned itself over the 20th century as the Pointy Haired Boss of the world. But that's not just a joke. We became the world's clueless self-absorbed middle-mananagement. Only now the jig is up. The inherent unsustainability of Industrial Age economics has -as anticipated as far back as the end of WWII- caught up with us. We are in an era of accelerating successive economic and environmental catastrophe and the ruling class is desperately trying to circle the wagons and cash-out in advance of the ultimate collapse they've engineered. And the cultural result of all this is a wave of middle-class anxiety throughout the industrialized world.<br>
Joseph has clued into that. Clued into that aspect of Fresco's versions of modern history and economics that basically explain how and why the world got f-ed up. And then he played-up the angle of conspiracy because that very effectively pushes people's buttons. Fresco only talked about a socio-economic pathology inherent to a culture that evolved with the early Industrial Age unable to fully shake-off the vestiges of feudalism and a peasant psychology. Other progressives aren't so moderate. They will point fingers at specific people and institutions benefiting from social exploitation and start declaring it time to build guillotines. I can't say if that's right or wrong, but it's been effective at motivating people by turning unfocused mass despair into directed anger. Combine this with the novelty of the Internet as an alternative to the now tainted and dubious corporate mass media, and you've got a 'movement'.<br>
But anger directed to what? As I understand it, the Zeitgeist movement loses people at about the same fast rate it now wins them because once these now motivated folks start joining groups and forums and going to Venus Project conferences and lectures, they discover there is nothing for them to actually do because Fresco simply never had a plan to build his model future. Just a design. Just a Futurama exhibit. Zeitgeist leadership seems to be becoming aware of this problem and is trying to address it, but they've been in denial and operating in a vacuum relative to the larger global progressive movement for a long time. They have a lot of ground to cover while the enthusiasm they've finally won rots on the vine. I wish them the best of luck because their objectives are complimentary to ours and the the world in general needs working solutions to its rapidly escalating crisis.<br>
The key lessons here for us are that, while media is critical to communication and motivation, engagement and participatory activity are critical to sustaining that motivation. And this can be difficult when your objectives are very large in scale and/or distant in time. With space advocacy this is exacerbated by unrealistic expectations and that basic and ubiquitous lack of knowledge about how things work in the real world. That delusion that anything short of starting the construction of the first starship in your back yard is irrelevant. We have to stop pretending there are magical shortcuts, because there aren't. We need to accept that space development is the work of civilizations and lifetimes, need to be realistic about what we can actually do in the near-term, and seek the fun, personal accomplishment/empowerment, and larger benefits to society that can be found along that path, not just at the finish line.<br>
But, really, it's become rather unproductive for us to forever discus what's 'wrong' with the LUF. We can analyze the situation forever. For a change, I'm going to start telling you people what we need to do -what YOU have to do now, today, if you give a damn about the objectives of TMP.<br>
The A#1 task for this group right now is building membership. There is only one way to do that; grabbing eyeballs. We MUST create a replacement for the TMP book and we must elaborate on that far beyond anything the FMF ever did. You simply cannot motivate people with vague ideas. You have to show them what you intend to build. We have a complete and compelling narrative. We have as awesome a story about the future as Wernher von Braun ever did. We have to tell that story to the world. What are the goals here?<br>
•A TMP2 wiki well illustrated in line art.<br>
• A TMP2 book with roughly a 3-4:1 graphics to text ratio and 50% color art. It will look like this in format and visual content;<br>
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Motors-Spaceships-Another-English/dp/1933492279/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299696852&sr=1-1" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Cosmic-Motors-Spaceships-Another-English/dp/1933492279/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299696852&sr=1-1</a><br>
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Syd-Meads-Sentury-II-Mead/dp/1933492481/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299696896&sr=1-9" target="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/Syd-Meads-Sentury-II-Mead/dp/1933492481/ref=sr_1_9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1299696896&sr=1-9</a><br>
With a critical mass of illustration for the TMP2 wiki, we will establish Kickstarter and/or Rocket Hub sponsorship drives for this book's independent publishing in print and eBook forms should no other publishers step forward.<br>
•Art and CGI models from this project will be used to develop an expanding portable media exhibit to be used as aerospace shows and space/SciFi events. It will start small like this;<br>
<a href="http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/jmp_20090905_151025.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/jmp_20090905_151025.jpg</a><br>
<a href="http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/jmp_20090905_151001.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/jmp_20090905_151001.jpg</a><br>
<a href="http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/img_0290.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.planetsolar.org/fileadmin/user_upload/images/gallery/village/village-yverdon-2009/img_0290.jpg</a><br>
It will end up like this;<br>
<a href="http://www.spaceworld2000.com/exlist.html?section=sw%2Dvideo1%2Eswf" target="_blank">http://www.spaceworld2000.com/exlist.html?section=sw%2Dvideo1%2Eswf</a><br>
•MiniSpaceWorld Exhibit. MiniSpaceWorld (<a href="http://www.minispaceworld.com/" target="_blank">http://www.minispaceworld.com/</a>) is a developing museum in Hungary intended as a space-themed version of Germany's Miniatur Wunderland. (<a href="http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/" target="_blank">http://www.miniatur-wunderland.com/</a>) They want exhibits. We can tell our story there and use the experience for our portable exhibits. (the artists of Minatur Wunderland have been very open about the systems they have developed. Their techniques are applicable to our projects and will provide a useful entry into robotics development)<br>
•Art and CGI from the book project will also become the basis of a video series that can be distributed individually on YouTube and Vimeo or collectively on DVD. They will look something like this, but with our narrative;<br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozkl1OvNvEc" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozkl1OvNvEc</a><br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr7GtaU3v5I" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wr7GtaU3v5I</a><br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVJmZmo6kzI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVJmZmo6kzI</a><br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf07e5h8474" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf07e5h8474</a><br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBZSN_OIamo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBZSN_OIamo</a><br>
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBrBydwDpl4" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBrBydwDpl4</a><br>
Some have suggested starting out with low-production-value videos based on the TED talk model. That might work, but I probably can't do them myself. Too many years of re-occuring bronchitis thanks to NJ pollution has ruined my voice and I have no stage presence. There is also a problem with the fact that the original TMP imagery is out of date. It is obviously anachronistic. You still need new artwork, even if you're doing a slide presentation. But this is still perfectly feasible.<br>
Pulling all this off will take many people. I need help. I can only do so much by myself. Find me a design and production team! Get me a contract with Aldo Spadoni's Aerospace Imagineering. Find me a bunch of Pat Rawlings and Doug Drexlers. Find me a Peter Joseph. James Cameron financed a Mars reference mission and is actively interested in marine colonization. Find a way to get to him! I need artists and designers to collaborate with who have a passion for space, technology, and the future. Enough passion that we might get some volunteer effort to start things going and enough competence that they can keep up with me -people who can read. I have been working on this myself for many years and have spent a lot of my own money on it. But I'm just one person living alone in the desert -literally. My success rate with individual artists has been very poor because there just aren't enough of them in the US with an interest in real space anymore, have skill in industrial design, skill in actual illustration, anything above a high-school level science education, and any effective work ethic. The few that are suited to this are so in demand in the aerospace industry that they have little free time. I currently have a commission in the works for a new front page image for the TMP2 wiki site, but it's proving to be a very protracted project because I can't hire the artist I've found full-time so I cannot get more than small sporadic bits of his spare time. We MUST find a solution to this problem!<br>
Next, we need to create events. In TMP2 I describe a mass cultural festival for all TMP settlements celebrating the theme of space and have chosen Yuri's Night as a logical date for this. I want to see someone host a TMP/LUF Yuri's Night party this year. I know it's getting late for that and it's OK if it's a small thing. But we have to start somewhere. I don't care if this is two people meeting up with a plastic Moravian star, a Dobsonian, an iPod, and a bottle of vodka. Let's do this.<br>
<a href="http://yurisnight.net/" target="_blank">http://yurisnight.net/</a><br>
Next, we need activities to engage people with and to foster entrepreneurship. We want people to look at TMP as a career path. I have many concepts for this and several I've been working on lately. Let me set them out and tell you what I want us to do with them;<br>
•Fab Labs. We need production capability if we are to start making real things. I am the first and only person in this group to have started working on this. I've been studying this technology for over a decade and, saving my pennies, I've started work on creating the collection of tools for my own fab lab. This should be a task every member of this group is engaged in. Every one of you reading this! If you're not making stuff or learning to make stuff how the hell do you think you're going to get anywhere -let alone off this planet? If you don't yet know what a fab lab is, what are you even doing in a space advocacy group? I want everyone in this group building and/or learning to use the tools of the fab lab; fabbers/rapid prototypers, CNC cutters (router, hydro, plasma, laser, sign/paper, PCB cutters), CNC mills, multiple types of printing, digital looms/knitting machines, and all the basic tools of simple carpentry, metalworking, electronics, and the various forms of casting and molding. Everyone in this group needs to cultivate a working knowledge of the basics of mechanics, electronics, computing, software, the principles of propulsion, the principles of energy production, the families of fabrication methods, and the families of building systems. Certainly, these digital machine tools have been very expensive up until now. Few people can afford them all and the ideal situation would be to have a common place -like the many hackerspaces and shared fab labs popping up around the globe- where we can collectively assemble and share these tools. But we're too dispersed so we have to do what we can individually until we have some community setting to do it in. Luckily, all these tools are going open-source as people learn to use them to replicate them. There are DIY kits for just about all of them. This is bringing their individual costs down to the level of a personal computer. Everyone here knows what a Makerbot and RepRap are, right? Right? One clever thing we can do is exploit that self-replication capability to enable our community. Anyone who can effectively collect and build enough of these tools has the means to replicate and disseminate them to others. That's one of my objectives for my own personal fab lab.<br>
Relating to this, I think everyone in this group needs hands on experience with some of the following; gardening, hydroponics, permaculture, aquariums, mariculture, algaeculture, Living Machines, and renewable/alternative energy systems like wind, PVs, fuel cells, Sterling and Rankin cycle systems. Everyone here should have experience with building at least something like a sub-irrigation planter, a 5 gallon bubbler hydroponic planter, a table-top flood-drain unit, and know how to assemble a home PV/wind power system. This is some of the practical stuff you're going to use all those new tools for. Ultimately, we are going to want to create a sort of Functional University through TMP. A program of public education in science, technology, and industry to cultivate industrial literacy globally. That's a critical aspect of TMP's Foundation efforts toward cultural development.<br>
Think this is all busy-work? Ever actually read any serious work about space settlement? I've just described the basic package of knowledge every space settler must have to survive. Anyone who considers himself serious about space advocacy is obligated to be as industrially literate as possible, or they are just a passive audience. So, like Generic Asian Dad says; "Facebook? Why don't you face book and study."<br>
•Utilihab. You've all heard me talk about Utilihab, you've all seen me post the link to the Utilihab wiki (<a href="http://utilihab.wikia.com/wiki/Utilihab_Wiki" target="_blank">http://utilihab.wikia.com/wiki/Utilihab_Wiki</a>) I spent the past year putting together, but I don't think many have gotten the point of it. People, I invented Utilihab to be the bootstrapping construction kit with which to start the physical development work of TMP. This is our toolkit for starting everything. A tool to build all the initial facilities we need using even dispersed group effort. Studios, labs, workshops, housing, factories, you name it. It's a platform for our founding entrepreneurial businesses. The world needs new housing technology. There's money to be made here. It's our starting industry. It is the basis of construction for our first marine settlements, the infill retrofit construction supporting full-scale Aquarian construction, and the basis of interior construction for space habitats. Utilihab is the branded architecture of TMP. This is the real deal, folks. This is the Mercury rocket in the barn all you aspiring astronaut farmers keep expecting. And most of you haven't even noticed! Why? Because I haven't been able to constantly shower you with pretty pictures of it.<br>
So let me tell you what we're going to do with this. Utilihab is not yet a complete system. On the wiki I've laid out the development framework as a catalog of basic components and systems that, individually, need to be prototyped, tested, and refined. Every one of those components is an individual project -and a potential entrepreneurial opportunity. This is our first hardware development project -one that is intended to be readily attainable with modest skills and tools. If you can't handle this, forget about rockets. Utilihab extends the strategy of cultivating industrial literacy to a functional means to build communities and facilities. Everyone who knows how Utilihab works and who knows how to use the tool set of the fab lab knows how to make their own advanced home and community.<br>
The first goal here is to build something like this;<br>
<a href="http://images.wikia.com/utilihab/images/6/6e/T-SlotPavilion1a.jpg" target="_blank">http://images.wikia.com/utilihab/images/6/6e/T-SlotPavilion1a.jpg</a><br>
The next goal is to build something like this;<br>
<a href="http://www.dwell.com/slideshows/it-house-joshua-tree.html" target="_blank">http://www.dwell.com/slideshows/it-house-joshua-tree.html</a><br>
It won't necessarily be a house -we might do a workshop, lab, or studio- and it might not need to be permanent. (of course, no Utilihab structure is 'permanent' They are all perpetually demountable and their parts reusable)<br>
Next, we will put that on these;<br>
<a href="http://www.nextmarina.com/english/sub01.php" target="_blank">http://www.nextmarina.com/english/sub01.php</a><br>
And if we can build enough gravitas and sources of capital with these demonstrations, we go on to this;<br>
<a href="http://tmp2.wikia.com/wiki/File:MarineEcoVillage.jpg" target="_blank">http://tmp2.wikia.com/wiki/File:MarineEcoVillage.jpg</a><br>
I call this Hyokkori Hyoutanjima. This last step is the Aquarius Seed settlement, intended to evolve into the full-scale equatorial Aquarius settlements.<br>
Next, the Dymaxion Sea Tent. This is a very modest demonstration project intended to help us get our feet wet, so to speak, with marine construction while developing a kind of structure that will be a useful tool for many applications in both sea and space activities. The structure is a SPAR or pylon buoy that supports a simple radial building based on cable-stayed deck platforms. It is called a Dymaxion Sea Tent because it employs the same structural concept as Buckminster Fuller's original Dymaxion or 4D cable-stayed house design;<br>
<a href="http://images.artnet.com/artwork_images/112558/410588.jpg" target="_blank">http://images.artnet.com/artwork_images/112558/410588.jpg</a><br>
<a href="http://www.popularmechanics.com/cm/popularmechanics/images/fuller-3-lg-87527993.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.popularmechanics.com/cm/popularmechanics/images/fuller-3-lg-87527993.jpg</a><br>
<a href="http://www.scene.org/%7Eesa/search/dymaxionpatents/03_4DHouse_0_0.png" target="_blank">http://www.scene.org/~esa/search/dymaxionpatents/03_4DHouse_0_0.png</a><br>
Early forms of this may use a single deck and a tent-like enclosure and would be intended for temporary applications and events -much like the Global Warming awareness events of Future Islands. Larger structures may employ many decks and could feature component sets derivative of Utilihab. These would be suited to many research, industrial, and communications applications and so offer potential for entrepreneurial use. Their space applications would include deployable down-range telemetry networks. The largest could rival large oil rigs and be quite permanent structures, though they are probably not suited to concerted marine settlement because they are simply too inconvenient for transportation and cannot self-replicate. (at least, not with available technology) The Dymaxion Sea Tent or Sea Tower, by the way, is the concept the Seasteaders organization appropriated from my earlier FMF articles for use in their designs, though we no longer get any credit for that on their web sites.<br>
What's next? The IOSI; the International Open Space Initiative. Part of the problem with TMP is it's implausibly vast scale. It's not that something that big is impossible. It's that we generally have a limited ability to get our heads around things that are large and take a long time. This forum is living proof of that. Many people will never fully get the whole TMP package. So I realized that we needed to define more specific programs that could stand on their own independently of TMP while still supporting its objectives. And so I devised the IOSI. This is essentially the beginning of the Avalon phase of TMP (and possibly the Asgard phase as well) packaged as a self-contained program for the creation of tele-robotic pre-settlments on the Moon and Mars. The IOSI is a global open source space program that will use a Linux development model to develop the hardware for telerobotic settlement. The point to this approach is that robotics is highly accessible to public participation whereas just about everything else involved in space isn't. So whether or not you think humans are 'better' than robots, it's irrelevant. Bottom-line, we can develop robots with a dispersed global participation in development, can send those robots ahead of us on the cheap, and use them to reduce the cost of human arrival through in-situ resource utilization. There is simply no way costly flag-planting jaunts by humans can be more practical than that. The basic technical plan for the IOSI is outlined in the TMP2 section on Avalon;<br>
<a href="http://tmp2.wikia.com/wiki/Telerobotic_Outpost" target="_blank">http://tmp2.wikia.com/wiki/Telerobotic_Outpost</a><br>
Asgard ties into this through the MUOL, which in the IOSI context assumes the role of telerobotic space transportation logistics station -a ship-yard for assembling the trans-orbital spacecraft sent to the Moon and Mars using modest scale components lofted on low-reliability high-frequency modest payload launch systems. There is so much awesome and fun stuff in this telerobotic outpost project I can't begin to list it all. This is the greatest Maker project ever. Just look at the TMP2 article. There's enough to keep a million people busy.<br>
Now, this all ties into the objective of getting everyone in the LUF industrially literate and fab lab equipped. This program is a key application for all those tools. Our community is going to be the key participants building these systems, setting the development agenda, and hosting the events associated with the development program. And here's what that program looks like;<br>
•Establish an IOSI development web site following the Sourceforge model.<br>
•Use the same media promotion efforts as used for the TMP narrative to tell the IOSI narrative, culminating in a portable exhibit. The full exhibit will include a portable mock-up of the telerobotic bases and demonstration human habitats. (based on Utilihab construction)<br>
•Establish seasonal and continental expo-events for IOSI development, showcasing project team demos, kids activities, and X-prize-style competitions and awards.<br>
•Establish test lab facilities with companion outreach fab labs in disadvantaged communities. These are an important tool for the reverse-flow of technology out of the program and back to terrestrial applications. Remember, figuring out how to inhabit space means figuring out how to go from rocks, dirt, and sunlight to a western middle-class standard of living using hardware on the scale of home appliances. There's no Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon to that technology transfer. By pursuing space settlement -as opposed to the flag-planting crap- we change EVERYTHING about human civilization on Earth. That's the ultimate objective. Since this tech is open source by definition, outreach fab labs will direct this tech transfer back to where it matters the most.<br>
•Establish a prototype testbed outpost in the Atacama Desert managed by Internet. This will be a fully functional outpost free of human intervention except at special 'drop points'. Designs and systems that make it through the expo-oriented phases of demonstration and testing will earn spaceworthiness certification here. The testbed outpost will have no human presence except in extreme emergencies. Everything is deployed telerobotically. All equipment will be air-dropped by plane or special simulated soft landers based on airships deployed from a distance. Several sections of the outpost will cover beachead, cluster base, and excavated base phases of development and will including mining sites, agricultural facilities, and transport systems such as rover trains and banana monorails. It will be a fully functional outpost prototyped on Earth. The outpost will be heavily canvased by web-cams for public access. People will watch this like it was Meerkat Manor. (in fact, meerkats are my chosen prime candidate for the IOSI mascot) An additional facility in a more accessible location will cover prototypes and demonstrations of human habitat facilities and systems based on the use of excavated and built-up shell structures and using Utilihab-derived component systems for interior outfitting. Testing for these will be more concerned with ergonomics and comfortable interior design and so they have no need of simulating a remote location -at least until the program has advanced to a point where the actual Lunar outpost has been deployed and critical pressurized systems need to be worked on.<br>
•Negotiation with established space programs/firms for assistance in Lunar deployment or co-development of an independent launch service capability. (Exocet and Wizard programs). The Moon is the first target because of telecommunications latency. There is little function different between Lunar and Mars settlement beyond latency and the added challenge of Mars orbital transfer. But at that distance our robotics needs a very high level of autonomous AI to compensate for latency. Thus the Moon is the logical systems development environment for Mars.<br>
Next, the Telestat project. The Telestat is a lenticular solar aerostat with a rigid composite hull shell. It is intended as a telecommunications platform with small initial research vehicles developed for the initial application of aerial remote viewing platform and emergency WiFi networks and solar power while larger platforms will be developed as an alternative to satellites for wide area telecommunications services and eventually an optionally manned high altitude research platform and test structure for TransHab and EvoHab hull systems. The Telestat starts out basically like Mike Walden's Cambot, only we're going to leap-frog cruder hull technology and begin working with rigid composite hulls, ultimately looking to experiment with new nanofiber composites to experiment with vacuum lift. This will produce a very resilient vehicle that has a duty life of decades and can operate at stratospheric altitudes for years between servicing. This project builds on both the robotics experience of the IOSI program and its use of airship lander simulators. This is a technically sophisticated project, but can start quite modestly in scale and has huge entrepreneurial potential. Effective telecommunications aerostats are potentially worth billions in continuous revenue.<br>
The key purpose of this project in the larger TMP context is to begin development of the Aquarian Airship as well as provide a telecommunications infrastructure for Aquarian settlements -because undersea cable systems will be less practical during transitional settlement development (they still cost about $25,000 per mile and are immobile) while satellite Internet really-really sucks...<br>
Next on the agenda; rockets. The Exocet Alpha and Wizard Alpha programs. These semi-professional programs will develop sub-orbital radial aerospike test vehicles in pursuit of developing a low-reliability high-frequency cargo SSTO launch platform that will eventually evolve into the reusable and then manned versions of these vehicle concepts. These programs are the TMP answer to Copenhagen Suborbitals. The Wizard Alpha program may be more immediately accessible a project than the Exocet Alpha because the Exocet is an in-water-launch system that would require a modified catamaran yacht as a carrier/command vessel. However, the Exocet may be the only platform effective at the low-rel launch equation because of the nature of in-water launch. Places on land that 'fail safe' are increasingly scarce. Beyond the advanced model rocket scale, the Wizard starts running into bureaucratic hassle. Both these project will be based on the use of advanced composite hull structures and so both derive from the Telestat project through the composite fabrication experience. However, they could just as easily precede the Telestat project based on personal motivation or the state of development in the IOSI and its demand for a cheap launch capability.<br>
So there it is folks. This is our plan to get TMP started, presented in order of what I think is the most to least immediately accessible activity. This is the list of things I intend to do, am currently working on, and have been working on for a long time despite the fact that, apparently, only a few people here have been paying attention. This is what I want you to get involved in and support. I never want to hear anyone say in this forum that we have no idea of what to do. I've been presenting this stuff to this group for years. I cannot make this any plainer without putting it in comic book form. If this was any more detailed a set of concepts, it would be a stack of blueprints, circuit diagrams, and disks full of G-code. I can't do all this by myself and I don't have all the answers to present to you on a silver platter, but I know what we basically need to do and I've just presented it here. If you want to see action in this organization, you now know exactly what has to be done from today on and have no excuse but your own laziness for not picking up a hammer and getting down to it.<br>
Eric Hunting<br>
<a href="mailto:erichunting@gmail.com">erichunting@gmail.com</a><br>
On Mar 3, 2011, at 4:43 AM, <a href="mailto:luf-team@yahoogroups.com">luf-team@yahoogroups.com</a> wrote:<br>
> maybe im crazy, but why is most of these projects not working?<br>
> Posted by: "steve" <a href="mailto:rward8@yahoo.com">rward8@yahoo.com</a> rward8<br>
> Wed Mar 2, 2011 2:23 pm (PST)<br>
> i will keep this as short as i can, Why is it i see 1001 very good drawled concepts. buildings mostly but several other projects as well that are vaporware.<br>
> for instance why is luf/sea-stead/etc we have plenty of good drawings and i can not even call them articles. they are so detailed maybe books is a better?<br>
> Yet im lets say mildly confessed why this stuff is so hard to create? Lack of money? That dont explain things too good because there money everywhere.<br>
> Even with my own projects most are dead because it seems that it just dont work?<br>
> ...........ugg now i sound like im ranting, i do know that starting small and growing from there is a good way to do things.<br>
> for instance:<br>
> make your truck run on X<br>
> then find out how to mass produce?<br>
> so why is that so hard? im i missing something?<br>
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</div><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>- Bryan<br><a href="http://heybryan.org/">http://heybryan.org/</a><br>1 512 203 0507<br>