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Hi John,<br>
Yes, John, this is troubling to many of us. I just found out about
it the day before it, along with the rest of us in the MTA. Many
that wanted to go, already had previous appointments set up and
such. Thankfully, I was free that day, and am planning on it. Had
they announced it sooner, and had they worked directly with the
local transhumanist group (the MTA) would could have brought in many
more people.<br>
On 6/3/2011 6:31 PM, John Grigg wrote:
<div>I somehow missed the Singularity Institute's SLC Summit
announcement! Or perhaps I did not... lol I did a Google
search and it seems the official announcements were only a few
days ago. I remember when anything of worth was always
announced *here,* but I guess those days are past. And even on
the Mormon Transhumanist Association email list, I only learned
of the event today. I don't understand why this SI event was
not better advertised, and with much more warning time, because
even if it is just seen as a regional event (it's just a one day
conference), people deserve to hear it's going on, so they can
make a choice as to whether to attend.</div>
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<div>The Singularity Institute's "events" section on their website
did not even have an announcement about it! </div>
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