Hahahah...sorry, I wasn't trying to undermine anybody's fame here. I understand that Damien is an accomplished author. I think it was a bit harsh to write *NOOB ALERT* all repeated-like and whatnot, Dwayne. Plus, there are plenty of benefits to being a "noob" ;). But that's a bit harsh, too. I apologize.<div>
<br></div><div>Let me rephrase my criticism in a more respectful manner (I only wish to jumpstart some intelligent discussion for getting the cogs of progress turning):</div><div><br></div><div>All that many of you seem to do is preach to the choir. This is good for feeling good, but doesn't get anything done in the vein of pushing a transhumanist agenda. I would be very happy seeing more outreach to the general community. I know I try to talk to folks, though I don't enough by far. It's depressing to see how science is viewed by so many people. I want to change that. Don't you want to change that? Nothing is going to be different until that happens, and until that happens, everyone on Earth won't be as happy as possible, and everybody on Earth will die. I want to change that, too! I love humans! We are the best thing that has happened to this solar system since sliced bread! </div>
<div><br></div><div>I just want to help. What can I do to help?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>