<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12pt"><div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Not to worry! If current religious scriptures are any guide, there will be so many alterations<VAR id=yui-ie-cursor></VAR> -- so much so that the finished product will bear only a tenuous relation to the original, for good or ill. :)</SPAN></div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN> </div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Regards,</SPAN></div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto"></SPAN> </div>
<div style="RIGHT: auto"><SPAN style="RIGHT: auto">Dan</SPAN></div>
<DIV style="FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, sans-serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt">
<DIV style="FONT-FAMILY: times new roman, new york, times, serif; FONT-SIZE: 12pt"><FONT size=2 face=Arial>
<DIV style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; LINE-HEIGHT: 0; MARGIN: 5px 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; HEIGHT: 0px; FONT-SIZE: 0px; BORDER-TOP: #ccc 1px solid; BORDER-RIGHT: #ccc 1px solid; PADDING-TOP: 0px" class=hr contentEditable=false readonly="true"></DIV><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">From:</SPAN></B> spike <spike66@att.net><BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">To:</SPAN></B> 'ExI chat list' <extropy-chat@lists.extropy.org><BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Sent:</SPAN></B> Tuesday, July 26, 2011 1:50 PM<BR><B><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Subject:</SPAN></B> Re: [ExI] Rejecting Socrates/was Re: Libertarianism wins again...<BR></FONT>...<BR><BR>John Grigg wrote:<BR>> <BR>> I fully expect posthumans several millennia from now, to consider the <BR>> Extropy list as their personal scripture! <BR><BR><BR>Oh dear. That comment brings to mind some of
my own personal indiscretions<BR>I have posted here over the years. I am imagining future posthumans<BR>puzzling over my sex lamas post for instance.<BR><BR>spike</DIV></DIV></div></body></html>