<html><body><div style="color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:14pt"><div><br>
>... On Behalf Of Keith Henson<br>...<br><br>>...It occurred to me just now that this is an alternative answer to the<br>Fermi question. Once intelligent life forms start moving into faster<br>hardware, it may be that they can't leave their home planet without getting<br>hopelessly out of touch with whatever is going on... Keith</div><div> </div><div>Spike wrote:<br><br>> Excellent Keith. A solution similar to this was proposed by me about a<br>decade ago: that distant MBrains do not communicate with us because it isn't<br>worth it. They can't get replies back in any reasonable time. Local<br>communications are so much more valuable than anything they can invest in<br>elsewhere that they don't bother. The closest analogy we have is that the<br>overwhelming majority of people today spend more time reading stuff on the<br>internet than we do reading Shakespeare. ,,,spike<br><br></div><div><span>Sounds like Zardoz
beat everyone to this.</span></div><div><span>They went to space and found it was another</span></div><div><span>dead end.</span></div><div><span></span> </div><div><span>Dennis May</span></div></div></body></html>