<a href="http://transhumanpraxis.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/a-new-philosophy-of-total-revolution-kalkinism/">http://transhumanpraxis.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/a-new-philosophy-of-total-revolution-kalkinism/</a><br><br><b>"A new philosophy of total revolution".</b><br>
<br>I hope you don't mind my posting this link here, but it is relevant to contemporary political struggle, notions of self-awareness and spirituality, and transhumanism. I don't know of any single list (except perhaps <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/DoctrineZero">Doctrine Zero</a>) which counts all of these things as its typical fare, so I hope that one common factor will be enough.<br>
<br>The ideas are necessarily extremely broad, as they are working from first principle. I intend to "fill in the blanks" over the next few months.<br><br>- Amon<br><br>