<p>Quoting Joseph Bloch <seculartranshumanist@gmail.com>:<br /><br />>
On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 4:14 PM, Stefano Vaj <stefano.vaj@gmail.com>
wrote:<br />>><br />>> And while the jury may still be out on the
subject I am not<br />>> sure that the majority of "expert
transhumanists" are ready to<br />>> repudiate it without a second
thought.<br />><br />> I'm more than a little worried about this causal
bandying about of<br />> "expert transhumanists" as a phrase. It
seems to carry with it the<br />> implication that those of us without PhD's
should just hush up and let<br />> the experts do all the Big Thinking for
us.</p><p>I think Stefano means experts in transhumanist-related arguments, not
"expert transhumanists", per se. Anyway, let's not dismiss PhDs or
those who do not have them. After all, Ronald Baily is not a PhD and he is one
of the most erudite thinker on transhumanist-type topics, while Don Ihde is a
PhD and his thinking on transhumanist topics is nescient.</p><p>Natasha</p><br />